Status: Re-Writing - Massive changes to story line.


Facts Amongst the Fiction

I awoke again, a scream on my lips. The dream plaguing my every thought. It remained unchanged, and if possible, it had only intensified after our last encounter. For some reason one scene in particular plagued my thoughts. As he hovered above me, his lips teasing as they brushed against mine. God his lips, where as hot as flames against mine. Wait, Focus Estelle. Anyways, despite the heat and desire raging through me, I had flicked my eyes to his neck. An odd stone had hung from his neck, secured onto a piece of leather that was worn with age.

The stone was a deep, moss green with bright red spots. It was beautiful. And in a way it almost seemed mysterious with its deep green base then with these spots that almost seemed like blood, the shade much the same.

Although for a moment I felt numb, as that stone had in fact hung from his neck on both my encounters with him. Mixing facts in with this dream only made it seem more real, also the fact that each scene was incredibly vivid didn't help. But the stone was real, and I wondered what other parts of the dream could be real.

I shoved the thought away and started getting ready for the day, it was almost afternoon though. Hunters almost ran on a nocturnal schedule as we could only hunt at night. But such thoughts and technicalities left me as I slipped out of bed. I stumbled as a wave of dizziness hit me. And I quickly caught my self on the wall as I waited for the room to stop spinning, which took longer than I originally would have guessed.

Eventually it passed, and I frowned as I walked to the kitchen. I felt weak all over, not like I was going to pass out, just tired. Which was odd, I had slept for almost eleven hours, and I had had only one glass of wine last night. Testing myself, I stretched my limbs out and I frowned again, I was filled with a dull ache. It wasn't uncommon for me to get aches, after all my body was put through hell on a regular bases. But this, this felt odd even for me. Must be the wine, my system mustn't be use to alcohol is all. Great, now I was a light weight.
I ignored it though, passing it off as the wine as I made myself a coffee, as I worked to shove the rest of the dream out of my mind which was no easy task. Alex was long gone, and as I read the note on the counter, that was done in his usual messy scrawl. I discovered he wouldn't have time to catch up again this weekend, he was trying to figure out the mentoring thing. Although he still wanted me to come by and meet the girl.

I sighed softly and finished off the coffee before I headed for the shower. Knowing I would be left to my own devices for the weekend, and without my sexy fucking boyfriend around to keep me occupied. I was beginning to think this weekend was going to be extremely uneventful and therefore boring. Me and keeping still, didn't go so well together, I needed movement.

As expected the rest of the day passed uneventfully, I spent most of the day cleaning my weapons and checking my ammo supply. I learnt that I would soon need a few more blades, these ones where getting worn out, vampire blood held an almost corrosive edge, and it eventually took its tole on any blade. Bastards, I really liked my current one. It was a gift from Alex, and it was both elegant and deadly.

The weakness eventually faded, although I still found it odd. I took enough supplements and other various things that I hardly ever got sick. Also my body was kept in top physical condition, I couldn't afford getting sick. And the Occidere Vincere had all sorts of hidden wonder drugs that kept our immune systems fighting off anything and everything. We never got sick.

By the time night fell, I was restless, I needed to get out of my apartment. I had resorted to loud music and dancing around my apartment like a spastic. I had gained enough control to stay off the tables, although it appealed to me. And with no one around the temptation grew, although my imagination was extremely vivid. And I couldn't help imagining Alex or even Eric coming through the door, to me dancing on the kitchen table. That would kind of put a dent in my tough love reputation. And again the thought of Eric coming through my door left a concoction of emotions and other vivid images.

I had gone through my closet trying on random things, and had found a few outfits I hadn't even thought about in a long time. And I was happy on a vain and petty level that they still looked good on, and as a bonus they still fitted. But I was bored again, and was going stir crazy.

I hadn't been put under official lock down but they had wanted me to keep out of the fire line. But I decided the roof top, one of my favorite thinking escapes probably wasn't plagued with Vamps, so therefore safe.

I opened the door to the roof, and I had to shove against it as it got stuck on the door frame. Finally it came free and I half stumbled through the door. I regained my balance quickly and I straightened up, reaching up to brush my hair out of my eyes it took me a moment to realise who was in front of me.

My first thought was, fuck, well looks like Vamps are plaguing my favorite hide out. And that Karma was a real bitch. But all such thoughts vanished as quickly as they had raised their annoying heads.

His warm chuckle circled me like an embrace, and I shivered and it had nothing to do with the cool breeze that whipped across the roof top. His words, spurred the dream and I again had to work to shove it out of my head. "Well darling, I have to admit that wasn't one of your most graceful moments, still you look stunning as always."

Eric, stood leaning against the brick railing, half hidden in the darkness casted by the large bill board. I heard the door close behind me and I realised I had forgotten to ram the brick between the door and the frame to stop it from locking.

I didn't even try to stop the word that crossed my lip as it was called for, I was now locked on the roof with Eric, ''fuck."