Status: Re-Writing - Massive changes to story line.


Twisted Hunk of Junk

I replayed the conversation with Luke for a while. I knew he would do what I'd asked, he found me intriguing as I did him. He was hard to get hold of, and I knew if it hadn't been for me keeping tabs on his location it could have been months before I saw him. He had been back in New York for business, but rumor was he was headed back to Europe for whatever reason.

Maybe my impending summoning would keep him around, although I doubted it. Although the Eric scandal might.

I had long since finished my drink and considered ordering another. Whatever he had ordered was delicious, he had remembered my weakness for sweets, strawberry flavoured things in particular. I decided to be good and tossed some cash on the table before leaving.

Slipping through the crowd, my thoughts drifted to Eric and the summoning. I felt the faint tinges of nausea and I slipped out the door, letting the fresh air wash over me. The nausea stirred again and I bit my lip. My job was easy, hunt and kill. The ones on the street were free pickings, I worked the streets when I was in between cases. Going after the vamps that threatened to break the thinly veiled lies that kept them hidden from humanity.

Sure, it happened sometimes that humans found out the truth. And depending on the situation we would either wipe their memories or keep tabs on them to see if they could keep the secret. But it had been all simple up until now. The summoning threw me, as did Eric. The emotions that surrounded him, threw me. I could handle the darkness and the presence of vamps. But not the constant emotion that clouded Eric.

I felt another wave of nausea and with it dizziness. I grimaced and made my way towards my bike wondering if I was just an extreme light weight or was the stress getting to me. Or where it should be. The spot my bike had once vacated was now occupied by a heap of twisted metal. I felt my jaw open in shock as I traced it with my eyes. It was my bike but someone had twisted it into an unknown blob of metal. slithers of black paint and chrome twisted within its shape. What the hell!

I closed my jaw and made my way over, spotting a piece of paper folded into a crevice that I think had once been the handlebars. I took the paper in shaky hands, a vamp couldn't do this. Couldn't twist a motorbike within its grasp as if it was nothing. They were strong, they could probably pick it up and throw it at someone, but this was not right. It had been twisted like a pretzel.

I read the note carefully once, and I had to read it a few more times as it made little sense.


You know little of this world, so I will be forgiving just this once for your unforgivable actions. Your a pathetic hunter, you deal with the scum of the earth, and know nothing of their true origin. Your a child, a true child for being so ignorant. Your eyes are clouded by your emotions, reign them in before you step into something you can't handle.

I won't be so forgiving next time,

- Melrose

Her elegant script curled across the plain white paper, and I frowned at it. Actions? True origin? Ignorant? What the hell! I dealt with the scum, yes. I knew what was out there.

Do you?

I shoved the thought away, yes I did know what was out there. I was a hunter for Christ sakes! My thoughts flicked to Eric, and with the way he had tried to tell me in not so many words that he wasn't a vampire, he was something more.

With a sinking feeling that pushed the nausea over the edge, I bent over and expelled the contents of my stomach. I clutched my stomach as I tried to breathe. I had been feeling faintly nauseated all week, and apparently drinking along with stress and twisted pieces of once loved transport pulled it over the edge.

This was getting horribly complicated, and who the hell was this Melrose chick. And why did she feel the need to twist my bike into a hunk of junk? I heard a boot scuff against the pavement behind me, and I spun which did nothing for the dizziness and searched for the threat.
