Status: Re-Writing - Massive changes to story line.


Insane Women and an Ugly Vase


Each step echoed through the hall, the sound clashing around me in a steady, even rhythm. I stepped through the main foyer, not pausing to admire the impossibly high ceiling or the tiled floor that was a map of the world with red rubies marking the exact place of the councils around the world. I knew every location, and I was around when they built this place.

I was flanked by William and Austen, part of the Invisibilis that surrounded the high ranking
beings such as myself. Each of us had seven of them in total. An over kill really.

I was waved through security, the stone in the hollow of my neck waving me through. Handy thing it was in many ways.

I knew the High Seven or as they liked to call themselves, the Alta Septem, they preferred the Latin term. Each of them chosen out because of their heritage with the OV. The seven of them where the council that every hunter answered too. The one Estelle would answer too.

Which was why I was here.

Adeline Houllen looked as controlled as always as I was led into her private sector. Her long red hair pulled back in a elegant bun. Her pale skin marred by a few freckles that scattered themselves across her nose. She was as delicate as a swan, until she plunged a stake into your heart.

Maybe swan wasn't the right word.

The shrewdness in her eyes shattered any damsel in distress facades, there was a reason why she was the head of the entire Occidere Vincere organisation.

"Mr Ambrotos, a surprise what can I do for you?" Her voice controlled but cold, she never really liked me much.

"Call me Eric, you know that Addie"

I gave her an innocent smile as her lips tightened, the only indication of her inner frustrations. She hated the nickname. Remaining silent, she waited for me to answer her question, I made sure to keep her waiting for a few moments as I pretended to admire a ugly looking vase across the room.

"That thing is particularly ugly." Motioning to the ugly vase.

"Eric, what do you want." She said with a long sigh.

"Why are you summoning Estelle?" I was nothing if not straightforward and blunt,
apparently anyway.

She raised an eyebrow, setting the papers down on her desk as she learnt back in her chair.

"Shes been triggered, you know that. She has to be called in, we can't loose her."

"Yes I know that, but why have you waited so long, shes weak now."

"What do you mean weak Eric?" Her tone sharpened as she pinned me with her eyes.

"Dizziness, she's exhausted the usual effects."

She paused for a moment, before standing and going to the filling cabinet on the side of the room. Pulling out a massive file, then another before she returned to her desk. The room was beautifully decorated, bare red woods with pale furnishings. The desk was a solid slab of Red Oak.

"It says here she was triggered three months ago, by you actually. Why in gods name did you trigger her? You know how important she is." Her eyes blazing as she looked up from the file.

Raising an eyebrow, "you have read it right, she tracked me I had nothing to do with it."

"She tracked you?" Surprise evident in her voice.

"Yes, didn't I just say that. Now can we move past this and focus on why she wasn't brought in months ago when she was triggered."

"We bring them in before they become effected, you know that. Standard three months. " She paused and focused upon me once more, her eyes grave and suddenly deadly serious.

"Mr Ambrotos as to why shes being effected now, when she was in peak physical condition when she was in contact with you. You know exactly why and I need to start the paper work, Melrose needs to be notified as does your council. You know how these bo-"

"No." I half snarled at her, she remained unaffected by my outburst, she'd been around a while.

"You will say nothing to her are we clear, its impossible. I will have my Invisbilis in contact with you while you figure this out, there's another explanation, find it."

Spinning on my heal I turned to leave. William and Austen on my flanks once more.

* * *

I had a thing for roof tops, humans tended to stay off them and the view was amazing if you got high enough.

Addie was wrong she had to be, it was impossible and hadn't happened in centuries.
My thoughts where brought to a halt as Melrose's scent washed over me, the familiar tang of jasmine and citrus. A harsh combination when you had been inhaling it for the past eighteen years.

Looking down I watched with slight amusement as she turned Estelle's bike into a pretzel. Such a stunning but evil creature, who was more than slightly insane. The letter, which I read with ease even from this distance, would only mind fuck Estelle.

Shaking my head I sighed and left her too it. I'd deal with her later.

Estelle herself emerged not long after, sliding out the doors of one of the hunter bars. Did she just sway? Focusing on her I saw her make her way to the bike.

I love her expressions, they're priceless.

The array of expressions continued as she read the note, from outraged, to confusion to just pissed off. Then sick.

I stepped off the roof as she expelled the contents of her stomach in the parking lot. Why was this advancing so fast?

Again with the expressions as she spun to face me.

She was truly adorable. But deadly. My favorite combination.