For A While


It's been two years since Alice lost her self control and respect to substances in the very city she escaped to in order to gain some. Along with this, she lost her girlfriend, Oliver. And, later, her career as a decently successful musician. Charlotte comes into her life at perhaps the perfect time, picking her up and letting her live off of her in that parasitic kind of way - Alice calls it love. Now, Alice is two months fresh from Aeschbach Rehabilitation Centre and Charlotte's patience is wearing thin. After leaving her high and dry since addiction struck and nearly took her life, Oliver has floated back into Alice's life, pleading for her to rejoin the band. And Alice seems to be the only one who remembers that this thing called self control doesn't seem to exist inside of her.

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She would do everything with me. At least once, to try.

This is kind of redundant and I don't think I really need to say this on a site like Mibba, but I should warn you that there is going to be a bit of homo eroticism involving lesbian women and drug references.

This story is told in two different woman's points of view. Alice and Oliver. They alternate from Chapter one (Consciences). Therefore, chapter two is told from Oliver's point of view and so on.
  1. Prologue: Alice
  2. Consciences
    I still managed to silence the screaming in head, the slow blood flow in my veins. And I marvelled at how I could hardly feel the impact.
  3. Life Being What It Is
    I used to be able to curl up inside of there so easily
  4. Of Thinking
    ...a drumbeat for her
  5. Horrors and Treasures
    ...and the way her eyelashes brushed against her cheeks, which flushed red as she sang despite herself
  6. Hands
    more more more...
  7. Consider