Status: pre-writing



Kyle Masters was having his annual end-of-the-year party, but this party was far different from any other. This wasn’t just a celebration to an end of yet another year of school. This was it, the night of graduation. Potential filled the air. There was a whole summer ahead, waiting for the last minute immature blunder before real life took over. College leered over some heads while indecision ate at others, but it didn’t matter. Tonight was about starting the summer completely hungover.

Justin was one of many in attendance. He had his closest friends around him and slutty drunk girls just around. The alcohol had never tasted so sweet, nor had the music ever sounded so good. He was on an ultimate high, but then he was officially done with school and legal. He was freshly single and still loving it. Life was looking good.

Gee was at the party too. She wasn’t dressed up, like most of the girls, even though her best friend had begged her too. She didn’t care about being nostalgic and reminiscing over high school like most of the kids were. She had come simply for the drinks. She was also freshly out of a relationship, though not by choice. Life was … well, life.

The night continued on as the crowd of teenagers became more wasted and slowly thinned out. Justin was halfway toward a guest bedroom with a small blond trailing behind him when he saw her. Of course, she stuck out in her jeans and old Tom Petty shirt, but that wasn’t what caught his attention. He was struck by a sudden urge of bewilderment. He didn’t understand it as their eyes locked and he watched her laugh. He didn’t think he’d ever seen her before. But in an instant, the moment was gone. The blond pushed him into the guest room fully and all thoughts of a petite brunette vanished.

Gee had been highly aware of the boys’ lingering glance, but she shrugged it off. She didn’t care about boys, especially not tonight. She threw back the contents of yet another plastic cup and went back to dancing with her best friend. The night was still young in her eyes and she intended to do something both spontaneous and dangerous before the sun rose again.
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this is more of an introduction, hence why it's so short. Gee&Vic
I said I was going to start this ages ago but never put anything up. I've got about four chapters pre-written and if there's enough love for this one I'll continue. so, maybe you should stop and leave a comment? it can't hurt ; ) xooxEmber