Status: pre-writing



Justin was at another party the next night. It was a different house with a different host, but it was more or less the same. The goal for the night was to get drunk and get laid, just as it had been for the previous night. It was the night after graduation but the magic was still in the air.

He sipped from his plastic cup and glanced around the room. He almost missed her, except for the fact that she was unmissable. She didn’t look like the girls around her; in fact she didn’t look like any girl he had ever seen. Her hair was in two, low pigtails, giving her a childish innocent look. Her blue eyes were bigger and paler than normal. Her nose was small with only a few freckles on it, and her mouth … God, her mouth. The way it twisted into that contagious smile or pursed to the side as she thought before she spoke. It was all so strangely perfect.

He eyed her up and down several times. Her cut off jean shorts and too big tank top showed off her Arizona tan. He stared and tried to pin a name to her, but couldn’t. He frowned before finally tearing his eyes away from her and nudging his best friend. “Stephen?”


“Have you ever seen her?” Justin nodded toward the girl and Stephen furrowed his eyebrows as he squinted to get a better look. His hopes were high, but they crashed as Stephen shook his head.

“Nope. But that girl with her looks familiar. I think I had French with her freshman year. Her names, uh … uh … uh,” Stephen snapped his fingers as his intoxicated brain cells struggled to recall much of anything. “Um … Vic! That’s Victoria Sellers, the weird girl who doesn’t talk to anybody.”

“Yeah.” Justin nodded as he sized up the blond beside her. He remembered seeing her face in the halls and her hilarious mouthy remarks to teachers, but after that there wasn’t much to remember. As Stephen had pointed out, Vic Sellers had never really branched out to her classmates the whole four years of high school, three years of middle school, or the six years of elementary. Justin, along with everyone else, had figured she was just a loner but they were clearly proven wrong as Vic leaned on the petite girl and whispered something in her ear.

“Are you eye-fucking Vic Sellers?” Stephen’s incredulous accusation snapped Justin from his daze.

“Hell no.” He made a face and then chugged the contents of his cup while Stephen laughed.

“So you’re after her Bee Eff Eff, eh?”

“Shut up, Steve.”

“It’s whatever man. Vic isn’t looking so bad tonight either. I think I may just tap that.”

“You can hardly walk. How are you going to tap anything?”

“Psht. Watch how it’s done.” Stephen shoved Justin’s shoulder and then stumbled over to the two girls.

Justin watched attentively. The two girls didn’t even notice Stephen at first, which made Justin chuckle to himself. They talked briefly. Vic blushed at one point and nodded before Stephen threw his arm around her waist, pulling her away from the mysterious girl. Stephen winked at Justin as they walked by and Justin rolled his eyes. He sighed and let his eyes stray back to the brunette, but to his surprise she wasn’t were he’d seen her last.

His heart sank for some unknown reason as he figured she’d left. He went to refill his cup but caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eye. He tried to act casual as he turned back toward her and glanced at her.

She was walking straight to him. Her pretty lips were curled into a smirk as she approached. Her eyes were even clearer as she got closer. His mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. She giggled and batted her eyelashes before impulsively kissing him.

Justin was stunned, of course, at first. Her arms snaked around his neck and her fingers played with his hair. He had never had someone come on to him quite like this, but he recovered quickly. He placed his hands on her hips and kissed back. It felt good to have her mouth against his and she tasted even sweeter than he’d imagined.

Being the drunken man that he was, he led her towards an empty room where clothes were shed to the floor and many more kisses were shared.
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X D couldn't help myself. Gee&Vic