Status: Active :)

I'm Gonna Break Your Little Heart

I'll Take You Out Though I'm Hardly Worth Your Time

'Yo dude! Wake up!' I jumped on top of Jack who was led in his bunk sound asleep. It was a squeeze to get one fully grown man with real chest hair (me) and one big guy, with no armpit or chest hair (Jack) in to a tiny tour bunk. He groaned loudly as I led on him- there was no denying I was heavy, and when you weren't expecting my weight it could be painful. I heard the door open and Alex walked in with breakfast- 10 big macs. We always bought spare because there was always someone likely to be super hungry and scoff 3 to themselves. Jack was just led in his bunk. It smelt weird. Jack smelt weird Of alcohol. Too much alcohol. But it had been a heavy night last night. Ryan and Vinny were actually out stone cold, but I've been feeling ill, so I went 'light' on the drinks- or tried to. I still managed to have a hangover. I could see the photo of Jack stood out side the Home Alone house badly taped to his bunk wall. We had all been banned from touching it. He couldn't let any finger prints on it. It was his most prized possession God help him..

Jack started to stir, and I shook him violently.

'Get up you lazy fat fuck, Alex has made breakfast'-meaning he walked the 2 minute walk to McDonalds and ordered some shit for us to eat.

'Breakfast!? Breakfast!?!' Any mention of food easily woke Jack up. He jumped out of bed, not noticing that he had no underwear on. I would say he was naked, but he had socks on, so he wasn't really naked. His over grown dick was just flying out of control. Most people would probably be seriously disturbed by this image but for us who lived with Jack it was as common as having a shit or a piss.

Jack and Alex had sat down at our patheticly small table (like Rians' penis) and started digging in. Jack was already on his sceond Big Mac, so I knew if I wanted any food, I better eat now. I jumped out of Jack's bunk, and joined the other two. I knew Rian and Vinny were passed out somewhere, Matt Colussy had left the club with some girl last night and I'm guessing Zack had too.

'Shit these burgers are good! Every inch of them,' unfortunately Jack was one of those ass holes who liked the gurkins as well. I always picked mine out and gave them too Jack, who literally loved them.

I finished my burger and went to get dressed. We were travelling to Newport today in Wales. I've never been there, but it should be fun.
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I know this is shit, but my friend made me write it as the contest entry, and this was all I could do :L I'm really sorry if it's shit :L But if you do like it please comment and maybe even subscribe and I will love you forever :)

This chapter has 445 words in it (I think, but the words go all blurry when I look at the screen which makes it really hard to count xD) I think Sian said she needed to know for the contest xD