She's a genius

She's a genius

My housmates early morning banter woke me up from a dead sleep. Damn, I swore to myself this was the last all nighter I pulled. From now on I’d start on my research and writing on time. Wisful thinking on my part, I always started too late on my assignments, with the research as well as the writing of the damn paper. I had handed in my thoughts about Marie Curie and the fucked up shit she did around 4 pm yesterday and had crashed in my bed twenty minutes later. Fifteen hours of sleep later and I still felt like shit, maybe I should ease on the caffeine, next week or so. You’d think I had learned my lesson last year, my fear of failing most of my classes should have made me more inclined to start work on time. Not even my parents threatening me to pull the plug on my college tuition money for the next year could cure me of the postponement syndrome.

‘Hey, you’re alive!’ My housmate Cobe yelled a little too loud for my taste.

‘Thought you swore never to pull an all nighter again?’ He grinned.

As usual I ignored him and pulled the box of cereals towards me, mornings were never really my thing.

*She only listens to the radio to see who’s alive. *

I stopped chewing mid bite, which made milk seep from my mouth like dogdrivel.

‘Cobe, turn up the radio.’

Everyone fell silent, surprised I asked since I had been the one to complain that they turned the radio on in the morning.

‘Are you feeling alright, man?’

'Just turn up the fucking volume!'

I didn’t know why I was this pissed all of the sudden, even for my normal morning grumpish I was pushing it.

*She knows so many pretty boys, but they are all the same.
They said: Oh, hey there girl, tell me what do you do.
She says: um, nothing but-*

‘I'm damn sure it's more than you.’ I whisper shocked.

*I'm damn sure it's more than you.*

'Didn’t think a music barbarian like you would actually know this song, the group only started getting this popular two months ago.' Dan, our resident music freak, informs me.

*What you know is who you are and she’s anything. You don't need an education to know the class that you're in. *

“Their leadsinger is only twenty and they are already known through the entire continent. Not surprising if you’ve seen how hot she is.” He laughed.

“I know, believe me I know.” I muttered.


*Hey there boy come over and sit. Love is when you wanna kiss and you get bit.*
Her sweet voice continues the song, she sounded sexy as hell.

’Leave him be, Danny boy. It’s morning, you know what he’s like in the morning.’

‘They’re playing in the college hall tonight. Macy canceled on me so if you wanna have her ticket…’

I think I scared him with my eager expression.

*They said "Hey there, girl, tell me what do ya do?"
She says "nothing, but I'm damn sure it's more than you" *

‘Can you believe she actually said that to me?’ I yelled over to Cobe and Dan.

Both boys just shrug, not understanding why all of the sudden I wanted to come to this concert with them. I can’t say I blame them, I had never before expressed any interest in music what so ever. I had even gone so far as to turn off the radio when I entered a room. It had been a habit of mine for two years now. She had loved it and in the end it had broken us up. No college for her no, she was going to make it and if I couldn’t believe in her, then screw me.

*That girl is a genius
Who o o o o ohw
I think she's serious*

‘That was it for tonight guys, you’ve been a wonderful audience I hope to see you all back soon!’ She yelled down the mike.

‘Dude, everyone already left, why are we still here? I’m freezing my balls off.’ Cobe complained.

I saw the backstage door open and clenched the fifty dollar bill in my hand. As the band walked by I pressed the green bill in her hand.

‘What the fuck?’

She looked down at the money that I had thrust upon her. Then she looked at me and I saw the implication of my action click in her brain right after she recognised the dude who’d just given her fifty bucks as me. She smiled.

The kiss she gave me next blew away my mind, so long ago but still so good. Her lips tasted sweeter than ever, the press of her lips against mine familiar.

‘Let’s go somewhere.’ She whispered.

Two years ago I had left for college, angry as hell that she would throw away her life by pursuing her music dream. Her last words had stayed with me: ‘Fifty bucks that I’ll have made it before you’ve gotten a chance to get over me.’

Never before had I cared so little about losing fifty bucks.
♠ ♠ ♠
The song I used is “she’s a genius” by Jet, I wrote this story for fun so don’t give me shit if you think it sucks, I had my fun.
What's between * is only to indicate wich words are sung.