Status: Writing About 500 words a day....

Don't Make Me Choose

String 10

School finished up pretty quickly. I flung by bag over my shoulder and trudged outside, standing by the doors to the art wing where Kory said he was going to meet me. Much to my dismay Oliva walked right out of those doors and shot me a glare.

“What’s your problem?” I asked, walking right up to her.

“What’s yours? Jealous?”

“Of what?”

“Oh you know perfectly well what! You and Andrew were best friends until he started going out with me. Now you don’t even sit together.”

“As if I actually cared…” I scoffed, lying right through me teeth.

“So he means that little to you? Good to know because he never stops talking about you. Melanie this… Melanie that… Sometimes I just want to shove a cupcake in his mouth to get him to stop talking.”

“A cupcake?” I asked, trying not to be shocked by what she’d told me.

“That’s not the point. Just wait until I tell him that he doesn’t mean anything to you! That’ll make things even better! He might just stop talking for a change!”

“Why do you like him then… It seems like all you’re doing is complaining about him.”

“Because, stupid, it’s an image thing. I have to date him…”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I said, starting to get really angry.

“Don’t give me that look. And besides, what do you care? Andrew’s nothing to you… you were friends all that time and I bet you haven’t even kissed.” Olivia sneered at me before turning on her heel and walking away. I was so ready to run after her and punch her in the face but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

“Kory?” I asked, turning around to see my brother.

“Let her go… violence isn’t going to change anything now.”

“I’m really in over my head on this one…” I complained as I began to walk towards the parking lot. Kory was right beside me.

“Well you’re the one that likes Andrew. You aren’t just going to sit there and let her get away with this, are you? Mel… You’re not that kind of girl.”

“I know I’m not… but Andrew thinks that a relationship between us is a bad thing and he’s mad at himself that he was leading me on that night.” Suddenly something hit me, “How do you know all this?”

“May calls me… a lot. She tells me things and asks how she can help you. Mel, she worries about you even more than you know… And what about Neil?”

“He’s nothing to me. He’s just another guy.” I lied.

“You’re so sure…” Kory had this look in his eyes. He was capable of reading me like an open book.

“Positive.” I lied again as we approached his car.

“Mel, it’s not a bad thing that you like him. In fact… maybe you need to take a step back and consider that he might be your better choice. After all… it’s not good for you to want Andrew if he’s got a girlfriend. Neil’s clearly single and is putting himself out there for you. I know you don’t want to but you’re going to have to let one of them go. And the sooner you do it, the better it is for everyone else and yourself. Fewer feelings will get hurt.” Kory got in the car and started the engine.

“How come you always are able to read me so perfectly?” I asked as I buckled my seatbelt.

“I can figure out half of you in the blink of an eye… the other have May fills in for me with her constant calls. She and I have your back Mel, so don’t be afraid to fall.”

“You know how cheesy that just sounded?” I laughed a bit.

“Very!” he openly admitted as he drove out of the parking lot, “Now let’s get home…”

“Fine…” I pressed my face up against the glass and breathed a heavy sigh, fogging the glass a bit. I hated it when my brother was right. I was going to have to make a choice and I wasn’t exactly looking forward to doing so.
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I know it's been so long... but I'm a lazy bum about these kind of things. Please don't hate me.

It's short and Kory turned into a psycyatrist (sp?) at the end.... but I hope you like it. Filler ideas anyone? This is supposed to be 50k words and I just hit 15912.... :P

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