When She Thinks of Sweet, She Thinks of Me


"SYRACUSE!!!" Sam bounced on the heels of her Converse as she gazed around in anticipation. "I can't believe I'm here!" she said, too loudly, to her friend Emmy.
Emmy may have said something back, but Sam was oblivious. She was incredibly pumped to see her favorite band, Cute is What We Aim For, for the umpteenth time.
Just then her eyes focused on a figure weaving through the mounds of fan girls, and her heart dropped to her stomach. Shaant always had this effect on her.
"Hello? Sam? Are you even listeni- oh," Emmy stopped. She saw who had caught Sam's eye and gave her a little push in his direction. "Go talk to him!"
Sam worked up her nerve, then began to walk over to Shaant, who had his back turned. She nervously tapped him on the shoulder.
"Samantha!" he exclaimed, whirling around and squeezing her into a tight embrace that left her breathless. "Uhh, hi, Shaant," she managed to get out. "How have you been? Haven't seen you since Ohio!" He looked at her expectantly. Sam swallowed. "Uh, yeah, well, you know, I've been okay, and I miss you- I mean, I mean seeing you in concert and all that jazz." Sam internally smacked herself. Just how stupid and flushed has she sounded?
Shaant smiled and put an arm around her. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "That babbling thing you do when you're nervous... it's adorable." Sam's heart skipped a beat, feeling his hot breath on her ear. Then what he said got through her embarrassment, and she blushed deeply, realizing he had just called her 'adorable.' "Uh...you know... you have that effect on me," she said, each word's volume getting softer til Sam could barely be heard by even herself. Once again Shaant grinned and leveled his face with hers, so that their noses were practically touching. "As do you on me," he said slowly, making sure Sam took in every word. She must have looked like she was about to faint, because Shaant took both her hands and began leading her away from the crowd.
"W-where are we going?" Sam asked nervously.
"To my bus," Shaant replied. "I want to show you something."
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The first part. I promise I will work on this story, Sammy!!