Back To School

Finagurny Elementary

~Day 1~

*Gerard’s POV*

Gerard drove the temporary car they’d been lent by the label into a free parking spot. The school’s name was Finagurny Elementary. The place looked like a picture of happiness, in seriousness. If you Google’d the school it’d probably freeze your hard drive because of the sickeningly perfect feel the place had.

“Okay, we’re here…alive,” Mikey said, eye twitching.

“HEY! I’m not a bad driver!” Gerard growled, pulling the parking brake into a lock position.

“Not a bad driver, huh? You almost pegged an old lady!” Mikey stated, unclenching his hands from the seat.

“Well, I missed!” Gerard shrugged, unbuckling.

“She was on the sidewalk!” Mikey retorted, getting out of the car.

“You’re point?” Gerard smirked, walking to open the entrance door.

“My point...agh, why bother,” Mikey sighed, following his brother to the main office.

The eldest Way knocked lightly on the door before waiting to enter. Inside was a shockingly perfect and meticulously cleaned office. The headmistress sat, every hair in place, and watched as the boys sat.

“Hello, I’m Gerard Way and this is my brother, Mikey Way,” Gerard said politely.

“Ah yes, you’re the two young men who graciously signed up to help the school. I’m Mrs. Evans and it’s a pleasure to meet you…now, onto the rules. You’re not expected to follow the dress code as strictly as the other teachers, but do wear something less- violent,” she said, eyeing the brothers T-shirts.

“Alright, anything else?” Mikey said, nodding.

“Yes, do try to be good role models for the children. They must have a good surrounding to be able to flourish into fine adults. Now, if you’ll follow me I’ll take you to the class you’ll both be aiding in,” Mrs. Evans said curtly, opening the door once more.

“Anything you say, ma’am,” Gerard said, blinking quickly as she turned her back.

“Do you find it odd that the school’s name, Finagurny, sounds eerily like ‘Find a Gurney’?” Gerard whispered to Mikey once the Headmistress was out of ear-shot.

“Yeah, not to mention she seemed to think we were hooligans,” Mikey muttered as they turned a corner.

“Well, let’s hope the class she gave us isn’t too bad,” Gerard murmured hopefully as the group came to a halt.

Mrs. Evans cast a glance back towards the boys before rapping on the doorway and gesturing to a teacher inside. The teacher, a rather harassed looking man, stepped into the hallway.

“Yes?” He said tiredly.

“Mr. Smith, these are the two volunteers who are here to help with the children,” Mrs. Evans introduced, wearing a smile.

“I’m Gerard, this is Mikey,” Gerard said, shaking his hand.

“Now that everyone’s been introduced, Mr. Smith will tell you the duties you’re to do and if anything’s a problem don’t hesitate to call me,” Mrs. Evans said, smiling before walking back in the direction of her office.

“Thank god you’re here, these kids are animals to put it nicely,” Mr. Smith said, gesturing the two brothers inside the room.

“Had to jinx it, didn’t you?” Mikey hissed quietly to his brother.

There were only six children, but it didn’t matter…they were everywhere in a matter of seconds. Note to self: Never give these kids sugar.

“Children? Listen up! I’d like you to say hello to Gerard and Mikey, they’ll be helping for a little while. Try to make them feel at home,” Mr. Smith said.

“Oh, and try not to show fear…they can smell it,” Mr. Smith whispered to Gerard and Mikey.

“Um…okay,” Mikey responded, eyes slightly wide.

“Yeah…is that kid supposed to be licking the window?” Gerard said, pointing to a little boy tonguing the glass.

“James! For the last time, the window’s not made of sugar!” Mr. Smith ordered, leaving the two brothers for a moment.

“Crap, Mikey. What have we gotten ourselves into!?” Gerard whispered urgently to a silent Mikey.

*The days will spand into more chapts. so hopefully that won't confuse anyone.

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