Back To School


~Day Two~

*Gerard’s POV*

They’d arrived in a hurry, having overslept past the alarm clock. Running into the main entrance Gerard took a sharp turn, resulting in him body slamming Mikey into a wall.

“Shit, Gerard!” Mikey gasped, rubbing his chest.

“Sorry, sorry, it’s just we’ve never been late for anything important before!” Gerard apologized, grabbing Mikey’s arm as he started jogging again.

“We’re not that late! We got here with ten minutes to spare, but then you body checked me into a cement wall…so we’ve got five minutes,” Mikey reasoned, straining to keep up.

“That’s not helping!” Gerard growled, pushing Mikey into the school room.

They had arrived during story time; Mr. Smith was reading a Dr. Seuss book to the young children, but stopped when the Way brothers came barreling into the room. The children let out small giggles at the small interruption and promptly turned so Mr. Smith could finish.

“Ah Gerard and Mikey, please, take a seat. We’re almost finished reading this story about green eggs and ham,” Mr. Smith smiled, lifting the book slightly.

“Probably had bacteria in it,” Thom muttered knowingly.

“Shh!” hissed a little girl in black.

“You ‘shh!’ Alexis,” Thom snapped, shoving the little girl lightly.

“Hey Thumbkin! Cut it out!” Mikey frowned, furrowing his eyebrows.

“My name’s not-,” Thom started.

“No, no, Mikey. His name’s Tummy, duh! Be quiet Tummy!” Gerard grinned, eyes daring the little boy who had shoved Alexis.

Mr. Smith let out a small cough and began to read again. Thom sent both Way brothers a dark look. Gerard turned his head, ignoring the irritating know-it-all. He hated seeing people get pushed around and nobody, not even a kid, had the right to shove someone without a damn good reason.

*Mikey’s POV*

While the story was being read, Mikey felt a small tap on his arm. Looking down he saw Alexis grinning gratefully at him. She had somehow managed to plop down next to him silently. Mikey caught Gerard’s eye, his older brother smirked at him and turned his head back towards Mr. Smith. It didn’t take too long before the story ended and the brothers were helping settle the kids for the day.

Mikey felt a tug on his jeans, looking down he saw Alexis holding a stuffed…well, a stuffed something. She held it up to him and jiggled it.

“Isn’t my were-cow cute?” She asked, still holding the fanged cow up at him.

“Yeah…it’s definitely…cute,” Mikey said, reaching down to hold it.

“Careful he hisses!” Alexis said, handing the were-cow to Mikey.

“He hisses?” Mikey asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah…and he farts too,” Alexis added.

Gerard, who had been near by, started coughing to hide his laughter. Trust his older brother to laugh at the word ‘Fart’.

“Well, it was nice meeting him,” Mikey said, handing it back to her.

“No problem,” Alexis smiled and turned to skip away.

Mikey stood there, taking in the fact such an animal existed…but hey, kids have the most interesting imagination. He spotted Gerard trying to peel James off the window again and trotted over to help. But not before being tackled by the twins…one twin for each leg. It wasn’t a problem, really, they hadn’t knocked him down…but now they wouldn’t let go.

“Hey Mikes, I think you stepped on some of the kids. Need help?” Gerard asked, stooping to pluck one of the twins off.

“Haha, Gee. Let’s just round them up and help Mr. Smith put them to sleep,” Mikey replied sarcastically.

“Ah, naptime…I remember that,” Gerard sighed, picking the last one off Mikey’s leg.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait, I'll probably have another posted tomorrow.

Comments= Awesomeness
