Back To School

Sweet, Sweet Victory...Sort of.

~Day Three~

*Mikey’s POV*

Mikey sat in the small plastic chair, rubbing his leg tenderly. It would seem that Gerard had a nasty habit of body checking his little brother into the wall. Gerard was over talking to James, who moved on from licking the window to licking the carpet. Wonder what that kid did for fun at home? ‘Dear god, I can’t bear the thought,’ Mikey thought, shaking his head. Not to mention Thom had been throwing dark looks at both the Way brothers, which meant trouble was imminent.

Mikey blinked suddenly, becoming aware of a soft breathing coming from behind his head. Slowly he turned to meet the wide eyed stare of Alexis, which resulted in Mikey flying two feet out of the chair in surprise.

“Hi,” Alexis said softly to Mikey, who was now on the floor wheezing.

“Uh, hi Alexis…you scared the heck out of me! Next time just tap my shoulder, okay?” Mikey said, heart rate still going fast.

“Okay…” Alexis whispered, jumping off the table to go read.

Sam and Dean were lurking behind the bookshelf again, most likely plotting their next trick. Mr. Smith sat in a chair dozing, totally unaware of the double threat that was creeping closer and closer. Mikey watched in amazement as the twins pulled out permanent markers and began reaching for the sleeping teacher’s face. He bolted from the floor and over to the two, grabbing them before the teacher received some new additions to his face.

“Aw, you’re no fun!” Dean pouted.

“Yeah, you suck ass!” Sam frowned.

“One, yeah, being a volunteer teacher I must be no fun. Two, where the heck did you learn a curse word!?” Mikey said, still holding them under his arms.

“Everyone knows a bad word, silly!” Dean giggled.

“Yeah, Mommy says them all the time!” Sam laughed, squirming.

“Well…don’t say them in here!” Mikey admonished, finally letting the wriggling twins go.

“Whatever,” They both chimed, before diving into the stuffed animal pile.

This place was definitely going to turn Mikey’s hair grey…if he was lucky to still have all his hair on his head. Sighing softly, Mikey spied Thom talking softly to Jasmine, who wore a wicked little grin. He watched as she handed him a snickers bar and then walked off to play with some dolls. An ominous feeling was rushing through Mikey as Thom made his way towards his older brother. He’d better get over to Gerard…NOW.

*Gerard’s POV*

Gerard sighed, finally convincing James that the carpet wasn’t cotton candy glued to the floor. Feeling a small, but firm tap, he turned his head to meet Thom’s innocent face smiling at him. ‘Thom’s up to something, he’s smiling TOO much,’ Gerard thought carefully as he smiled slightly back at Thom.

“So…Gerard, was it? All this work must be pretty taxing on a big guy like you. Why don’t you sit and relax, here’s a Snickers for your troubles,” Thom said smirking, handing Gerard the candy bar.

“What the heck is ‘A big guy like you’ supposed to mean?” Gerard said, his face beginning to darken.

“Well, it looks like you eat a lot, so I’m feeding you,” Thom said wickedly pointing at the candy.

“I eat fine. Take this candy bar and you eat it!” Gerard said tightly, trying to not explode angrily at the little kid.

“But don’t fat guys like you need lots of food?” Thom asked.

“Fat!?” Gerard yelled.

“Yeah fa-,” Thom returned, before being picked up by a furious Mikey.

Mikey said nothing, but it was apparent he was boiling at Thom’s attempt to make fun of Gerard. Time this kid got a taste of his own medicine.

“Hey! What are you…?” Thom shouted as Mikey carried him towards the closed closet door.

“I want you to think about what you just said,” Mikey replied coldly, lifting the squirming boy and hooking his underpants onto the hanger attached to the door.

“Agh!” Thom yelped, trying to free himself and failing.

Gerard watched in amazement as his little brother, who wouldn’t hurt a fly, administered what many call the Atomic Wedgie. A fit of chuckles overcame Gerard, fully knowing there’d be hell to pay later. Mikey had come and taken a seat to watch as Thom finally freed his boxers and dropped down. Both Way brothers sat smirking, enjoying this small victory…which became short lived when an angry Mr. Smith came charging over.
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I'm sorry for the LONG wait, hopefully this chapter will make up for it. :)
Thanks for your patience, everyone! :001:

Comments=Awesomeness! xD