The Hunger Games

Chapter 11

Last night I didn't get the best of sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about the arena. Would there be a forest? Would we be split up? Am I going to live?
I hopped out of my bed and slipped on my slippers. My room was a disaster area so I decided it would be smart to start cleaning. I picked up all my clothes that were strung across the floor and dropped them in the basket. I heard a light knock on the door.
"Come in." I said quietly. I was still really drowsy from the lack of sleep.
Hannah entered the room with a new outfit.
"I wanted to bring you some clothes." she said happily. With a hop to her step, she pranced across my room to the dresser where i was standing.
"Oh thanks Hannah." I said.
"Yeah no problem." she said walking to the door. "Hey, don't forget that after breakfast you have some time to do whatever. You don't have training today since you have your interview tonight. Your dress will be absolutely amazing."
I had almost forgotten Zander's invitation to the rooftop.
I picked up todays outfit and spread it across my bed. Black converse sneakers, bright yellow skinny pants, and a black and white striped T-shirt that went with a black and yellow plaid jacket. I quickly got dressed and headed for breakfast.

The stair cases were long. Too long. I finally reached the top of the building and came to a door. I pushed it opened and stood awe struck. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.
I stood at the edge of a luscious green garden with bright flowers. In the middle stood the biggest cherry tree I haave ever seen. The garden was covered with everything from tulips and spider mums to daisies and irises. Sun beams shone through tree branches and made the ground look like spotlights. It was beautiful.
Zander was perched on a cherry tree branch listening to his Ipod. I was trying to decide how to get his attention, but he noticed me first. He paused his music and swung his legs over the branch so that he was facing me.
"Pretty awaesome right?" he said smiling
"There's no possible way to describe it in words." I said as he started down the tree.
"Except awesome." he said jumping down onto his feet.
"Awesome is good enough!" I laughed sitting down.
He takes a seat next to me and he hands me an iris. I stared its frilly, delicate edges while twirling it in my hand.
" Why aren't you okay?" I had almost forgotten the reason we were up there. I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face.
"We're going to die... is that a good enough reason?" A few tears rolls down my cheek, but he wipes them away.
"You must be think I'm an idiot if you think I would let that happen." he said back.
"That's not very reassuring considering you are an idiot." I said back laughing.
He rolled his eyes at me. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." he said back.
I looked down at my watch. In 2 hours the interviews were going to start. Less than a day until the arena.