The Hunger Games

Chapter 7

I can't say that I got a lot of sleep last night. I was up all night thinking about what horrible death was going to be the end of me and how many days I would last. From previous years, I've noticed that many people die on their first day. The feeling made me uneasy.
I sat in bed for a few more minutes until I finally decided to get up.
I heard a light knock on my door before Hannah stepped into the room.
"Hey." she said "You didn't sleep well did you?".
"No not really." I responed. "I couldn't stop thinking."
Hannah gave me a reassuring look and sat at the end of my bed. "I grabbed this for you." she said handing me a bundle of clothes. "I insisted on picking your outfit today. If it was Jewles choice... Well I think you know what I mean." she laughed.
"Thanks!" I replied.
"We should probably get you in the shower." she said getting up from the bed. "Breakfast will be ready in an hour or so. We stepped into the bathroom and she got my shower started for me. I understood why when I got in, because there were so many buttons that it was't even funny.
When I was done I hopped out and wrapped myself in a bright yellow towel. My favorite color. I stepped out of the room to examine the clothes Hannah brought me. A bright pink shirt, dark blue faded pants, and a black hoodie. The inside of it was striped. It was as if she had known me forever. I put on the clothes and zipped my jacket up partway.
I decided to step back into the bathroom to grab my clothes. While empyting the pocket of my jacket, I found a note along with a necklace. The charm was shaped like a Mockingjay. I started to read the note in my head. "I swear on my life that we'll make it through this. I refuse to see you die." the bottom was signed by the initials Z.L. It was from Zander. I put the necklace on before heading out the door.