The Hunger Games

Chapter 8

I didn't have very many troubles finding the dining room. It was only a few doors down from mine. I entered the room to find Sari and Madney sitting at the table, so I took a seat too, as we waited for everyone else to fill the room. "Do you know where Hannah or Jewles are?" I asked Sari's stylist.
She smiled "Hannah and the others are working on your costume." she said cheerfully. "And my,my that Hannah! You have a good designer on your hands dear!" she said.
Moments later the boys filed into the room followed by their stylists, Sam and Levin.
I almost forgot about the surprise, if that's even what you want to call it. They had barley even changed. Mason's stylists had put gel into his hair to make it look spiky and they had smooth out Zander's hair out into small waves.
I had almost forgotten about what had happened last night with Zander until he came and took a seat next to me. I felt myself starting to blush. I figure were going out now so I guess I shouldn't be so shy. We sat awkwardly for a few moments until he deicded to make a move and hold my hand under the table. I felt like I was about to melt into my chair.
"It's going to be a fun day!" said Sari's stylist, breaking the silence.
"Yes! A big day too!" said Jewles.
That's when Sari "Oh it’s real fun to prepare to kill each other! Yes we are gonna have a great time! And we will be entertaining you Capitol people with spilling blood; but its all worthwhile to die!”
I couldn't blieve she just said that. I've never heard her snap at anyone like that. She's going to get herself killed!
Then she turned to me. "Close your mouth dearie, you'll catch flies." she said in a British accent.
I didn't know what to say.
Sari stood up, letting her chair fall to the floor behind her as she sped out of the room into the hallway.
Everyone's eyes went to me. I stared at the table.
I dropped Zander's hand and slid off my chair. Sari is my best friend and I'm not about to leave her alone in this. I sped out the door after her.
I found her huddled up in a corner staring out a window. I watched the different landscapes rolling in front of us. She just sat there. I didn't know what to do so I sat down and stared blankly out the window with her.
"Listen," I started, "Sari, I know you're pressured, we all are. But I think it's best if you keep your anger on the inside and save it for the... for the arena." I almost choked on my last words, remembering that we might never make it out of there, but I let the thought pass. I remembered what Zander said: "I swear on my life you'll make it out of there. I refuse to watch you die."
Sari looked up at me. "I'm sorry. I had to say it, I just had to."
I'm pretty sure all of us understood what she felt.
"Did you ever think," I said to her, "that maybe they're forced to act cheerful?"
She dropped her chin to her knees.
"No..." she responded. I could tell she felt guilty.
"I hate them too you know..." I reassured her. "I’m kinda glad you said it, but it was kinda unnecessary. I bet they already know what we are facing anyways.”
"Yeah..." she said getting up onto her feet. I stood at her side as we walked back to the dining room to reunite with the others.
When we got back to the dining room, food at been set out at the table. Zander and Mason were nervously picking at their food. They were probably uncomfotable, considering they were the only two contestants who were in the room during that time.
I took my back my seat right next to Zander.
The rest of our meal was silent.