Status: This is only part of the story that I'm entering in a contest. Once the contest is over, I plan to expand on it. That's why the description is soooo long.

You and Me, We Could Do This Forever.


Without warning Blood gave a forceful shove, sending me stumbling back onto his bed. He pounced on top of me, pinning my shoulders down and pressing his lips on mine hungrily. I whipped my head to the side so his tongue slid across my cheek. He pulled back, wearing a face of shock and anger, no one ever defied him, least not a woman.

He gripped my chin in one of his hands and jerked my head so that it faced him, however, I refused to meet his gaze. That only made him madder.

“Look at me,” He snarled.

I ignored him.

“I said, LOOK AT ME!” He roared, his hands twisting into my hair and giving a sharp tug.

Yet again I rejected his demand.

“Fine,” He growled. “Fine, have it your way then.” Blood got a firm grasp on my hands and held them high above my head, just long enough to rid me of my top.

My exposed skin felt cold and clammy, and my natural reaction was to reach down and shield myself.

“No!” He cried wrenching my arms away and instead forcing his lips to the valley between my breasts.

“Blood, stop!” I commanded, squirming slightly.

He started biting and nipping while his hands fumbled with my bra.

“I said stop it!” I shrieked, flailing my body in anyway I could.

“Shut up, you dumb whore!” The sick sound of his hand meeting the side of my face reverberating around the room.

Terrified, I forced my teeth down on my lips to keep silent. They broke their way right through the flesh, causing blood to dribble down my chin.

“I want you to say my name,” He growled, his hand slipping beneath my bra.

I bit down even harder, if possible.

His hand flew across my face a second time, and the strength of the blow was so hard that I yelped in pain. He took advantage of that.

Blood pulled the gun so fast I didn’t even have time to react. I should’ve known, Blood ALWAYS had a gun on him, but that didn’t stop me from screaming. Narrowly missing my top row of teeth, he shoved the nose of the gun deep into my mouth, so far, that I was nearly choking.

A strangled cry of shock forced it’s way around the gun, only causing the weapon to slide in deeper, hitting my gag reflex and causing tears to sting the corners of my eyes.

His hands slipped out, and tangled into my hair, pulling it harshly.

He lifted his nose up and breathed into my ear. “I like this,” He gave my hair a tug. “I like having something to hold onto.”

I started to struggle again, wanting the pain to stop. Bad idea.

Blood let out a noise of frustration, his finger cradling the trigger. My life wasn’t flashing before my eyes, like everyone always claims it does in near death situations, and I was kind of glad for that. There was a lot of my past that I didn’t want to relive in the moments before my death, but not all of it was so horrible. My mind drifted off to the memories of my days back in Arkham. Days spent playing with Kelly. Moving from the teen ward to the adult ward. Savannah. And…well I really never did learn his real name, but he was my old roommate. The person who understood me on a level that Kelly and Savannah could never comprehend.

I hadn’t even realized that my eyes were squeezed shut, until a large weight shifted off of me. My lids fluttered open to find my fiance with his head in his hands, sitting on the edge of the bed. I flinched involuntarily when he got up and stormed out of the room. As soon as the door slammed shut behind him, the sobs I’d been working so hard to suppress burst from my throat.

I laid face down, my head smothered in pillows, trying to drown out the sound of my unrelenting tears. My fingers curled into fists around the comforter beneath me.

I must’ve stayed there for hours, though my brain really wasn’t following the clock. All I know is that eventually I got to my feet and stumbled into the bathroom. My finger flittered across the wall, searching for the switch. The prize was found, and the room illuminated.

I looked like shit, and I know everyone always says that when they look in the mirror, but it was true. The blood on my chin had dried, and my lip looked just plain disgusting. It was swollen, bruised, and still oozing a bit. The crescent surrounding my eye had started to turn a deep purple. But it wasn’t just the injuries, I really looked awful underneath it all. My skin was so pale you could almost see through it, and my eyes were sunken in and dead looking. And my hair-

“I like something to hold onto.”

There were scissors on the sink below me, the same ones I’d used to cut open the package of shaving razors the day before. Nothing was going through my head when I grabbed them and slid the blades around a chunk of my hair, pulling it up to the scissors just barely touched my scalp. There was this satisfying ker-chink noise, that’s what drove me to cut another hand full of hair off, I wanted to hear that sound again.

“Wow, I didn’t think it was possible for you to get even uglier.” A shock of surprise ran down my spine, I hadn’t even noticed her standing behind me before. How could I have missed her stupid blonde hair, pouty lips, and bright blue eyes?

“What do you want,” I asked, the words coming out as shaken whisper.

She ignored me, as usual. “You look so retarded!” One of her plastic finger nails was pointed at my reflection. “Man, Mia, isn’t it sad how you can’t even get laid by force-“

“SHUT UP!” Without thinking I smashed both of my fists into the mirror.

It was silent except for the sound of glass skittering onto the cold tile floor.

“Well God,” She whispered, losing much of her gusto. “If you wanted me to go away, all you had to do was ask. No need to make all this work for yourself.” And just like that she dissolved into thing air.

I stared at the mess around me, before finally reaching down and grasping the scissors. I resumed cutting, making sure not to stop until all of my hair was no longer than an inch. Of course it looked awfully choppy, I’d just smashed the mirror and was doing it free hand. In attempt to fix it, I rubbed my hands together, coating them in fresh blood from my glass wounds, and ran them back through my hair. Spiking your hair with blood is like free hair dye and gel all in one.

Yes I am still crazy. Blood bought my sanity after all –yes, pun completely intended- and everyone knows you can’t buy sanity.

I trampled back into the bedroom, trying to step on as little glass as possible. My mind wasn’t really processing what I was doing, I just grabbed my shirt, slid it back on, and walked out. I knew where I was going, well my feet did at least.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a weird place to start, but this is only part of the story that I'm putting in a contest. Once it's over, I'll expand on it, but for now just think of it as a preview or a teaser of what's to come.