Status: Just an idea I had, not promising constant updates. I won't leave you hanging though. Hope you like!

Maybe This Secret Was Meant to Be Kept...


Ding dong! I jumped at the noise of the doorbell. I had been home alone all night watching scary movies. I was beyond having the jitters by now. I love scary movies, but hate the after effects like not being able to eat ketchup without getting sick, and not wanting to be home alone for weeks.

I got up off of the couch, and slowly creeped toward the door, checking out every angle of my house. I stepped on my tippy toes so that I could see through the peep-hole. It was most likely my mom and dad, they probably forgot their house key again. For adults, they’re kind of irresponsible.

However, when I looked through the door, it wasn't my goofy parents, it was my Aunt Alison and two police officers. My blood ran cold as I stared at her puffy blue eyes and blonde hair. Is Alison is some sort of trouble?! I opened the door quickly. “Alison what's going on?!” I asked, trying to keep my panic in check.

“Brookie, sweetheart, we need to tell you something.” Alison said seriously. I knew that she had been crying, a lot. She hadn’t called me sweetheart since I was 5, or maybe younger, so I quickly opened the door fully and motioned for them to come in. As Alison walked through, I grabbed her hand as a way to comfort her.

“Auntie Ali, what's wrong?” I asked, sincerely worried. She clamped her pink lips together and motioned for me to sit down. I had Carrie 2 paused on a scene in the mens locker room, and felt extremely embarrassed that the cops had to see mens naked butts.

“Ms. Lane, there was an accident, with your parents.” Said one of the officers. “There was a drunk driver, they were in the emergency room, but I'm afraid the doctors couldn't do anything to help.” He finished.

“What?” I asked in shock. The officers and Alison stayed silent. My aunt then walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug. The officers stared at me like they were expecting me to burst in to tears automatically. But I didn't, because It wasn't real. They were joking around, they didn’t realize that this wasn’t funny! My parents can't be dead. It's just not possible.

After a few minutes of me staring off into space, un-moving, the officers finally spoke up. “Well we should be going now.” They stood and started toward the door. “I'm so sorry for your loss... And Alison we'll see you at the station tomorrow afternoon to discuss..” The officer didn’t finish his sentence, but Alison nodded in agreement. And then they left.

I remember the rest of that night clear as day, it's just not the kind of night you would forget. I didn't cry until a few hours later, when I went up to my room. It really hit me then. Alison and the cops really weren’t joking. My mom and dad wouldn't be coming home. They wouldn't ever tell me they love me again. They will never see me graduate, or have children, or breathe. They’ll never LIVE again.
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This is JUST the prolouge so thats why its so short. I'll update as soon as I can :)