

Plugged in, stepping in. I feel for the volume bar in my pocket and deafen myself to stop my thoughts from getting to me. Today is Beethoven, a beautiful piece swooning like this shuttle I stand in. A few look at me. They're disgusted by it's beauty, but I don't care. It keeps the thoughts away, and I don't want to think about these thoughts because then what happens, happens.

My arms clasp together in the tight spacing as I wonder if Beethoven had similar thoughts that I have, the same wavelength and tune. I wonder if blindness compelled him to think thoughts that wouldn't be good for him with the easiness of choosing which shoe to tie first. I'm not blind, but I ask whether I would choose the right or the left bud rather than listening to both. I know they would play the same song although I wouldn't be certain if they played it the same way.

The right bud is slipped out to test the theory. It dangles from the main wire, rocking though the air across another passenger's face. It's one of the disgusted ones from before. Her face is screwed up, her eyes even more so although you couldn't tell as she was Asian. She looked up at me, her short glossy hair pulled away from her face. I don't care what she thinks of me so I listen closely to the bud for any change. There is half a tune, the beauty cut in twain although what I hear is perfect and imperfect.The violins are vivid in my ear , playing back and forward with grace and lulling me into it's bold, delicate charm.

This bud is slipped out as the left is put back in after a struggle to raise my arm against the crowd. Grumbles are murmured in my direction as an obvious threat, but I don't care. The right bud can be heard now, now longer violins rather sharp flutes , shrill and fresh. This is refreshing to hear, even if the rough bumps from all around me throw me off as it attempts to slip in the reminders of bad thoughts. I concentrate hard, listening as carefully as I can. There it is. The piano, the famous piano, tinkling in the back.

I step off the shuttle like everyone else and wait a while. Both buds go back in and the symmetry is complete. The halves compliments each other although I have to decide which one is better. It's difficult yet I manage. My mobile goes off in my pocket. I take it out as I swipe the buds away from my ears. They dangle and sway from the top of my duffel coat