Status: i don't think i'm gunna finish writing this, so sorry.

My KillJoy Story-Gasoline Candy

Chapter 1

I was stood in the hot sun, my eyes searching methodically. My black leather jacket hung loosely in my hand. A breeze whipped through the barren desert, in which i was stood, it ruffled my shock of pink hair. A distant sound brought me back to the reality of how out-in-the-open i was stood. I swirled round bringing my ray gun out of its holster. i let out a deep sigh as i saw the familiar shape of my motorbike roaring down the desert road. i smiled and put the ray gun back. The motorbike stopped just before me and the rider took of her helmet, her long orange hair falling out of its ribbon as it did so. She laughed showing teeth. She picked up the ribbon and tied up her hair again.
"Cellophane, you're late," I told her, faking at being mad.
"Sorry Gasoline." She rolled her eyes, smirking slightly.
Cellophane chucked my her spare helmet and i hopped on my bike. When i was settled on it, she sped of, bringing dust up around us as she did went.
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Yeahh.. tell me what you think.
Sinead xx