Status: i don't think i'm gunna finish writing this, so sorry.

My KillJoy Story-Gasoline Candy

Chapter 4

As i looked around an innocent smile flashed in my mind's eye. I knew that smile well but god, it had changed alot over the years. Damn woman was making me think about the past again. Before i could even think about it, i reached up on my toes and firmly kissed Cell on the cheack, dangerously close to her mouth. She jumped in reply to the sudden kiss, i had expected nothing less and i looked at the floor feeling myself blush deeply. I was always, and still am, a little to flashy with my feelings towards her. As you see from the very first timr i set eyes on Cell, back before any of this shit (excuse my french) happened, i fell in love with her.

I looked around again and saw a guy stood in the middle of the floor and when the doors had slammed shut moments ago,he turned to look at us. He had dirty short blond hair, sharp hazel eyes and sunburt yet still pale skin. I immidiatly knew who he was. Kobra Kid. I smiled shyly and one side of his mouth turned up slighly.

"You must be Cellophane and Gasoline," he said to us. We only nodded not knowing weather to speak or not.
"Who is who?"Kobra asked.
"Im Cellophane,"Cell's sweet voice murmered shyly, she waved clumsily at him.
"Im Gasoline," I smiled, eyes to the floor.
I heard Kobra walking towards us. He put his hand on my chin and lifted it up so my gaze met his. He smiled,a proper, genuine smile.
"No need to be nervous Gas, we don't bite, well, much," He winked at me. I felt myself blush lightly as he went to find the others.
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sorry if the spelling is bad, im writing this up on my dsi so no spell check for me!