Status: i don't think i'm gunna finish writing this, so sorry.

My KillJoy Story-Gasoline Candy

Chapter 5

Just as we were starting to wonder where he had gone Kobra came back with a large grin on his face, very rare for him.
"Good to see you again guys," he told us.
Cell smiled next to me and said "Thank God Kobra, i almost thought you'd forgotten us!"
I forced a smile but could tell they both saw through it.

We had fond the Fabulous Killjoys, me and Cell, when we had first come to California, way back in 2012. Back when my parents were still alive. Back when i wished to be a killjoy, now i think it's a curse and I've never even told Cell that.
Cell put a hand on my arm, guessing why i was upset, she rubbed my arm up and down, calming me down immediately. I let out a genuine smile of my own to show them both i was feeling better.

The first of the Fabulous Killjoys (apart from Kobra) to arrive was Fun Ghoul, Frank, Short Arse, whatever else you wanted to call him: Gay Vampire. We had all had a huge laugh when we found out that Fun Ghoul means Gay Vampire. His long black greasy hair was falling in front of his sunglasses. He smiled cheekily at us.
"Hiya again girls," he took of his sunglasses and winked at us. He walked over to where we stood and gave us both a huge hug. Me and Cell were still holding hands, she squeezed my hand and i felt like i was at home again. Cell was the only person i felt at home with. "Home is wherever I'm with you," i always say to her.

Fun went to stand next to Kobra just as Jet Star (Or Ray) walked into the room. His 'fro was blowing in the slight breeze that was welcome to me in this humid place. He came up to us and hugged us, "Welcome back," he whispered in out ears.

I couldn't help but grin as Party Poison (or Gerard) entered the room. He took of his mask and ran his hands through his bright red hair, which i realized was quite similar to mine. Except mine was shorter and it was more pink that red.
"Well, well, well, you must be the other two members of ZZKT," he put his hand on his hip, "But i hardly expected it to be you two. We met the first time you came here. You both are too gentle to in one of the most feared killjoy gangs." Party said to us, sounding slightly confused. I laughed and Cell chuckled. "That was when we first got here, things change Poison, and so do people. We've been here 7 years now, don't forget that," I told him.

"7 years!" Fun exclaimed,
"Didn't seem that long," Jet said almost to himself. Kobra only looked at us, shocked.
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