Status: i don't think i'm gunna finish writing this, so sorry.

My KillJoy Story-Gasoline Candy

Chpter 7 part 1

Soon we were stopping in the middle and nowhere, there was nothing around at all. I stopped the bike and flicked the stand. Cell was unconscious and I quickly put my ear to her chest. I sighed. Still a heartbeat. She was going to be fine. I ripped a bit off my bandana and wrapped it around Cell’s arm where she had been shot. I pulled my mask onto the top of my head and smiled down at her. The other half of me.
I turned around and blinked at the 4 men stood in front of me. I noticed that Party and Fun were stood closer to each other than to the others. I smiled to myself, looks like I had won the bet.
“Where are we?” I asked, my voice slightly husky from the smoke. Jet smiled at me.
“We’re halfway there Gas, but we need to rest and Cell needed to be look at,” He told me with an apologetic smile. “We’ll get your friends tomorrow,” He sighed obviously tired. I nodded and turned back to my bike seeing that Cell was awake and listening. She smiled at me too.

I sighed and sat down on the sand rubbing my eyes. Someone bent down and put their hand on my knee.
“It’s alright, sugar. What’s troubling you?” Poison asked me, seeming really worried about me. I sighed.
“I’m worried about Juicy and Atomic, also I miss my parents.” I told him truthfully. I knew I could trust him, I had known that from the first time I had met him. Poison pulled a face.
“I’m sure your guys are fine. And if your mum and dad are still in Battery City-“ I cut him off with a wave of my hand.
“My ‘rents are dead Party, Dracs killed ‘em.” I told him smiling sadly. Party sat down and put his feet against mine. He was sat like I was but directly opposite me; he looked me in the eyes.
“I’m so sorry, I truly am, I know I shouldn’t say this but I really missed having you and Cell around for these 7 years,” he smiled and winked at me. I felt myself blush and giggled.

I looked around to see Cell lounging around on my bike and Kobra and Jet making a camp for us. Fun was walking towards us. He sat down right next to Party and smiled at me. I smiled back.
“Hey does your car radio work?” I asked them both.
“Yeah, why? Fun asked me.
I didn’t answer, just hopped up and turned the car radio on. I fiddled with the knobs and soon found Dr.D’s station. ‘Holiday’ by Green Day blasted out of the speakers. I did a little dance then smirked at Cell who was laughing at me and nodding her head to the beat. I went and stood where I had been sitting before and smiled at the pair but notice their worried expressions.
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i'll add the other bit soon xx