Status: i don't think i'm gunna finish writing this, so sorry.

My KillJoy Story-Gasoline Candy

Chapter 7 part 2

"Oh don't worry, Dracs actually can't hear music." i told them with a smirk on my face. We had found this out when we were hiding from some Dracs and my mobie went off. They hadn't heard it.

Party and Fun looked at each other and shrugged. Then they grinned and i suddenly felt like i was intruding on something private.I shifted uneasily on my feet and averted my eyes. I jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist but then smiled as i smelt the familiar smell of dirt and parfume that was Cell. I shuffled closer to her and leant my head back into her, i felt Cell smile against my neck. I stiffened as i heard someone clear their throught. I opened my eyes, which had fluttered shut a few moments ago.

I looked at Ghoul and Poison who were looking at us, smirking.
"What's going on here then?" Ghoul asked, waggling his eyebrows. I shrugged.
"Nothing," Cell told them smiling.
"Nothing here either," Poison said grinning at us, then he kissed Fun fondly on the cheack. I looked at Cell, eyebrows raised.
"Told you so," I said smirking cheekily at her and went to sit on my motorbike.
"Told her what?" i heard Fun shout to me. I just shrugged and fiddled with the machanics of my bright green bike.
"We had a bet going that you two were dating our whatever," I heard Cell tell them. I looked up at the two men and winked, then went back to work on my bike.
"I didn't realise you were betting people," Fun said to us.
"We're not, just this once," I spoke up.
"Cell now owes me a kiss." I told them looking Cell and smilind shyly. Cell pulled a face, pretending to be discusted. As i chuckled she waked towards me. My heart had turned into a jackhammer in my chest. Cell leaned down to me. She one hand on the back of my head, feeling the razored back of my hair with her fingertips, her other hand went to my waist. Her lips forcefully met mine in a kiss. She pulled back after a couple of long seconds, licking her lips as she went. She had left me and her breathless.
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It stopped letting me type on this so i will post a quick chapter finishing this off.