Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


A month later I was at Mikal’s, sleeping. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. I had registered that it was two- oh six when my stomach twisted. I streaked to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth. I leaned over the toilet and threw-up. I guess I woke Mikal up because the next thing I know he is holding my hair out of my face.
I stood up and brushed my teeth before Mikal took my hand and led me to the bed. He sat down and pulled me on his lap. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know. Mikal, do you think I could be pregnant?”
“Maybe. Meijer is still open,” he said sitting me next to him and he put his pants on. “I’ll be back soon.”
I laid back and put my head on a pillow. I rubbed my stomach looking at the ceiling. I slowly dozed off.
“K.” Someone lightly kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and Mikal was hovering above me. “I got it, honey.” I stood up, took the bag and walked into the bathroom. I walked out five minutes later and showed him the stick. On the screen was a tiny plus sign. He stared at it for a few minutes before looking at me. “What are we going to do? I’m not ready to be a father. You’re probably not ready to be a mother.” He put his head in his hands and I walked over to the window.
“You can do as you like,” I whispered and he looked at me. “What I wanted stopped mattering the second I saw that plus sign.” I walked over to the bed and lay down. “I’ll leave in the morning and leave you to think about it.”
“Why are you going to do it?” He asked suddenly.
“I can’t make selfish decisions because I have another life that I’m responsible for. Even though I didn’t want this, it happened and now I have to own up for it.”
“You’re right; I’ll help you with everything. Anything you need, you’ll have it.” I yawned.
“I need sleep, Mikal, we can talk more in the morning.” He nodded and kissed my forehead and rubbing his hand over my stomach.
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Sorry it's been so long.
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