Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


Two weeks later we walked out of the courthouse. I was holding hands with Mikal while Aunt Lauren walked in front of us. I had taken to calling her Aunt Lauren lately. I was smiling and looked down at my large stomach. I had grown quite a bit in the last two weeks. My parents walked by frowning at me. I couldn’t expect them to be happy, since they had just lost rights to me. I am now an emancipated teenager. Mikal helped me into the backseat of his aunt’s car before getting the front seat.
“Thank you so much, Aunt Lauren,” I smiled at her and she looked at me in the rearview mirror.
“You’re welcome, Kristine,” she pulled into a diner and we all got out. Mikal and I were going to enroll in the High School out by his parent’s old house later on. We were also moving in the baby things and getting the nursery set up. Despite what had wanted to do Mikal and I agreed to paint the nursery pink if it was a girl and a blue nursery if it was a boy. I hated pink but we had compromised. The next baby girl we had was going to have a purple nursery. We talked about the twins while we ate. There was just six weeks until we found out the sex of the babies. Mikal and I couldn’t wait.
“So, what do you hope the sexes are?” Aunt Lauren asked us.
“I want two girls, so I can spoil them and have two Princesses.” Mikal answered reaching over to rub my stomach. I put my hand over his before answering her.
“I want one of each. That way Mikal can I have his Princess and I can have my mama’s boy.” I laughed and then answered seriously. “I want one of each so I have a little girl to pamper and I have a little boy to yell at to be careful.” I smiled and Mikal laughed at me. It didn’t take long for us to finish eating. We paid and left quickly. I tried to help Mikal and Aunt Lauren pack up the truck with the baby stuff but anytime I touched anything more than a light box Mikal yelled at me to stop trying to lift heavy stuff. I would then have to sit down for five minutes before I got up and tried again. Eventually we were on our way. Mikal put on some music and I soon fell asleep.
I woke up when someone started shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Mikal; he smiled at me and unbuckled my seatbelt. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He laughed but hugged me to him anyway. We stayed there for a few minutes before I pulled away. He led me up to the house and unlocked the door. I walked inside and gasped. It was huge, the entryway opened into the living room. I looked to my right and saw the kitchen. I looked to my left and saw the stairs.
“I’ll start bringing the baby stuff in. Why don’t you go on upstairs and pick which room you would like to be the nursery?” I nodded and he kissed me before leaving. I walked upstairs and saw a long hallway with lots of doors. The first few doors were extra bedrooms. The next door I opened was the bathroom. The last three doors to find a teenage girl’s bedroom, a teenage boy’s bedroom that I assumed to be Mikal’s, and the last was the master bedroom. The master bedroom had a bathroom attached to it. I went back to Mikal’s old room and looked around. It was the same size as all the other rooms and it was closest to the master bedroom where we would be sleeping. I sat on the bed and thought about what we would need to do to this room.
“In here,” Mikal walked in and smiled at me. “This is going to be the nursery. It’s closest to our room and big enough for them. Not to mention it’s their Daddy’s old room.”
“I like it; we are going shopping for furniture after this, so why don’t you go downstairs and pretty much go anywhere and decide what kind of furniture you want in here. We have a lot of money so don’t worry about that.”
“Mikal, how did your parents afford this?” I asked quietly.
“They were both lawyers and very good lawyers at that. They spent what they needed to and saved the rest. While we had a big house we didn’t spend that much. They put a hundred dollars in my college fund along with my sisters every month.” I nodded and stood up.
“There were beds in every room so we can keep those in there. This bed can go downstairs and your dresser until it’s needed.” He nodded and got to work while I went and looked around.
An hour later Mikal had put both cribs and a dresser into the nursery. He came downstairs where I was writing down what we would need furniture wise. “Hey,” Mikal wrapped his arms around my waist letting his hands rest on my baby bump.
“Hey, we should get this place checked out for everything and get it babyfied. I also want a fence put up around the pool before we move the babies in here. The fire alarms probably need new batteries along with the carbon monoxide detectors. I also want this placed for bugs and stuff like that.”
“That is a good idea, I should have thought about it before. I will make the calls tomorrow and I will change the batteries today. The fence will be the next thing that goes up. I just have to learn how to build one. My parents’ might have known somebody who would be willing to help us out with that.” I nodded and smiled over my shoulder at him.
“I’m ready to go shopping. My list is complete or almost complete.” He looked over my list and smiled.
“Let’s go,” he grabbed my hand and led me out to the car. We drove to the nearest furniture store and Mikal practically dragged me into the store. We walked around with a salesperson. We picked out a new bedframe for our room, a couch, a loveseat, a glider, and some stools. We also grabbed some nightstands, some bar stools for the kitchen, a kitchen table, and chairs, and a coffee table. Mikal set it up for delivery and then Mikal drove us to a grocery store to pick up batteries. We went back to the house and Mikal changed the batteries in every detector in every room of the house. None of them went off so Mikal and I decided that since none of them went off it was safe to stay the night. We ordered pizza and drinks and we put a movie in Mikal’s laptop and watched it before going to bed.