Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


We woke up the next morning and I gasped. “Mikal, we forgot a T.V. stand.”
“Kristine, its fine we have to go back and get furniture for my office and the basement so we can just get it then.” He kissed my cheek. “Relax; everything is going to be fine. We should get back, you have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon and I’m sure you want to take a shower. I know that I do.” I nodded and got up. We climbed in the car and stopped at McDonalds and grabbed some breakfast before getting back on the road. Mikal made the phone calls to the people we needed before calling the electric, cable, and phone companies and set a date for those to be set up. He also called his parents’ friend and asked him to go out and take a look at the pool to see if he could put a fence around it. By the time he was done we were pulling into his aunt’s driveway.
He helped me inside and we started talking to Aunt Lauren. “Kristine, why don’t you go ahead and shower? We need to leave soon.” I nodded and stood up. I showered quickly knowing that Mikal still needed to shower before we left. I was just getting dressed when he came upstairs and kissed my temple and stripped down to his boxers before going into the bathroom. I shook my head and followed him in the bathroom to do my hair and make- up. I watched him in the mirror as he stripped himself of his boxers and climbed in the shower. “Like what you see, Kristine?” He called over the noise of the shower and the fan.
“Yes, I did, I don’t get to see it as often as I like. I’ve got to jump at every chance I get.” I smiled at myself in the mirror as I applied eye liner.
“We’re just going to have to get you more chances,” he called back to me.
“Sounds like a plan to me. Does tonight work for you?”
“Definitely, I could do right now too,” he sounded desperate when he answered. I laughed and walked over to the shower and peeked in. He stared at me looking as though I was killing him.
“Well, I have a doctor’s appointment in an hour so I’m going to have to say that you might want to turn that water cold. Sorry Mikal,” he groaned and turned the water temperature down. I left him to his shower and went back to my make- up. I finished and looked at the clock. “Mikal, hurry up, we have to leave in ten minutes.”
“Shit, I’m almost done. Somebody had to be mean to me, and I now have a little bit of a problem that isn’t exactly going away.” I laughed.
“You may never know we might be able to find out the sex today if we’re lucky.” I heard the water turn off and Mikal ripped the shower curtain back. He ran over to me and grabbed my face kissing me all over. I laughed and tried to get him off me. “Mikal you are dripping wet and you’re going to mess up my make- up.”
“Fine, you win, but this is not fair, I have to walk around with this all day. If we were staying home I wouldn’t care but I actually have to wear jeans today.”
“You’ll be fine,” I walked out of the room leaving him to get dressed.
Fifteen minutes later Mikal came downstairs dressed. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house to the car. I wasn’t upset I knew he was frustrated.
“Do you really think we’ll find out the sex of the babies today or were you just saying that to get me out of the shower?”
“I don’t know it’s early but we could get lucky. I also just wanted to get you out of the shower. I’m excited for today, I don’t know why, I think it’s just because I get to see my babies on the screen today.” Mikal grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips kissing my knuckles. I smiled at him and he squeezed my hand gently. He pulled into the parking spot and we both got out of the car. He took my hand once again as we walked in. I signed in and asked for a glass of water. I sat next to Mikal and tried not to let the stares of the adults in the room get to me. I finished my glass of water and got up to throw the Styrofoam cup away. I felt all the eyes on me and when I turned around they didn’t bother to hide their stares. I sat down and I got so fed up with the stares that I snapped. “Would you all start staring at me? Yes, I’m a teenage mother that does not mean I’m open to being stared at. I doubt you were all perfect at my age!”
“Kristine,” Mikal took my hand. “Calm down, they’re not worth it.” I took a deep breath and smiled at him. They called me back a few minutes later. Everyone watched me as I walked back with Mikal.
“Hello, how are you doing today?” The nurse asked as she walked in.
“I’m doing fine, thank you,” I laid back on the table.
“That’s good, has there been any pain or any discomfort?” I shook my head. “Good, now for your ultrasound, could you lift your shirt please?” I lifted my shirt up and shied away from the warm gel. She waved the wand over my abdomen and I looked at the screen. I smiled once I saw my babies on the screen. I smiled seeing them moving. “Now they both look nice and healthy. They are a good size for twins. I know that parents always want to ask for the sex early but it is too early. I will get doctor in here to take a look before you can go.” She handed me a towel to wipe off the gel. “How many pictures should I print off?”
“Three, please,” Mikal answered staring at the screen where a picture of our babies was frozen. I looked at him but he was only seeing the screen.
I put my hand on his cheek and he looked at me. “Hey, are you okay?” He nodded and turned his head to kiss my palm. He looked back at the screen and I sighed. I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his head. The doctor came in and applied more gel and running the wand over my abdomen and checking on the babies.
“Everything is very good. They are a good size and very healthy.” She handed us the pictures and helped me clean the gel off. Mikal helped me off the table and we set up our next appointment before leaving. Mikal didn’t say a word while he drove us back to his aunt’s. He pulled in the driveway and I grabbed his arm as he went to get out of the car.
“Mikal, talk to me; what’s wrong?”
“It’s just seeing them on the screen today, made it all seem real. Not that I thought this was a game before but I don’t know. It made me realize that in five and a half months I am going to be responsible for two little lives. That’s a lot of weight on my shoulders and I’m happy about it. I guess I was just in shock until now.” I nodded.
“I know the feeling. I didn’t really come out of shock until I heard their heart beats at my first appointment. I didn’t even really believe it until then.” I smiled at him, leaning over and kissing him. “Now, your children and I are hungry, let’s go inside.” He laughed at me and nodded climbing out of the car. He walked over to my door and helped me out. We walked in hand in hand and found his aunt at the kitchen table talking to someone on the phone. She quickly ended the call when she saw us walk in.
“Aunt Lauren, what’s going on?” Mikal asked her.
“Just working on something for my case. Don’t look at me like that. I can’t tell you everything and I’m not doing anything suspicious so you just mind your own business, Mikal.” She took a deep breath before smiling at us. “So how did the appointment go? Are the babies healthy?”
“It went well, thank you and they are very healthy.” I gave her an ultrasound picture and she stared at it lovingly.
“They are so beautiful and they are getting so big. Congratulations you two, you make beautiful babies together.” She smiled at us. Mikal thanked her as I went upstairs to our room. I lay down on the bed and rolled onto my side rubbing my protruding stomach.