Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


“Kristine, wake up, we’re late.” Mikal yelled jumping out of bed.
“What?” I mumbled rolling over to look at the clock. I tried getting up before realizing I couldn’t get out of the bed without help. “Mikal!” I yelled and he came running out with a toothbrush in his mouth. He looked worried. “I’m stuck,” I told him innocently and he laughed coming over to help e. I dressed as fast as I could before brushing my teeth while Mikal got a quick breakfast and my vitamins. I grabbed my backpack and carefully went downstairs. Mikal handed me four pop tarts and took my backpack before helping me to the car.
We made it to school with five minutes to spare. Mikal helped me to my class, kissed my cheek and ran to his class. The day went by slowly I felt better when I was with Mikal. He held my hand the entire time and made sure that I didn’t overexert myself. I didn’t each much.
“Kristine, you need to eat more.” He whispered in my ear at lunch.
“I’m not hungry,”
“What’s wrong, Babe?”
“I don’t know, I just don’t want to be here. I’m tired and my feet hurt.” I took deep breaths as I started crying. Mikal wiped my tears away and hugged me.
“It’s okay, Kristine, come on I’ll take you home.” I nodded and we walked to the office. We signed out and Mikal drove like a speed demon to get me home and then get back for his class. He helped me inside before kissing my cheek and running out to the car. I went upstairs and lay down going to sleep easily.
I woke up and looked at the window, it was dark. I rolled over and rubbing my bump before carefully getting out of bed and going downstairs. I heard Mikal’s voice and smiled. I walked into the living room and found him on the couch talking to his aunt and sister.
“Hey, Baby, are you feeling better?” Mikal asked pulling me down onto his lap and rubbing my stomach.
“A little, I’m really hungry though.” He laughed and his aunt stood up.
“Don’t worry, Honey, dinner is almost ready,” she called over her shoulder.
“Thank you,”
“So, I called the doctor’s office and they moved up your appointment. I set it up for nine AM and I have a test so my Aunt is going to take you.”
“Okay,” I pouted realizing this is the first appointment he’s going to miss. “I really wish you could go,”
“I know, Babe, me too,” he kissed me and then rubbed my stomach. “Make sure you sent me new ultrasound pictures and have some printed off.” I nodded and Aunt Lauren called us for dinner. I squealed and got off Mikal’s lap as quickly as I could. He laughed and I heard his sister grumble.
I sat down at the table and waited impatiently for Mikal and Autumn. I watched them come in and Autumn took one look at me and excused herself to the bathroom. I groaned realizing we had to wait longer to eat. Mikal sat next to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and he laughed.
“Hun, you don’t have to wait for her.”
“Thank you,” I quickly started putting food on my plate. I started eating while Mikal and Aunt Lauren dished out their food.
“Thanks for waiting,” Autumn glared at me and I looked down suddenly not hungry anymore. Mikal sighed and took my hand under the table.
“Autumn, stop, are you trying to hurt my family?”
“Family,” she laughed. “If you think she is going to stay with you, you’re wrong. She’s a slut who sleeps around, you just happened to get her pregnant.” I was sobbing at this point and Mikal was holding me to his chest.
“Get out! Don’t come back until you realize that Kristine is a part of this family.” Mikal stood up still holding me and helped me up to his bedroom. “Calm down, Sweetie, you’re going to make yourself sick.” He held me, rubbing my stomach while I calmed down.
“Why doesn’t she like me?” I whispered into his chest.
“I don’t know,” he kissed the top of my head. “I’m so sorry, Baby,” he lay back on his bed and kept rubbing soothing circles on my abdomen. We fell asleep quickly.