Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


I rode up the long drive way and parked my bike in the garage with the other bikes. I walked inside and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge before going into the living room where Ryan was watching T.V.
“How did it go, Kris?”
I shrugged and took a bite of the yogurt. “I don’t know why Mom and Dad insist I continue going. It’s a waste of my time and their money. They could better spend that money on the baby their expecting.”
“Kris, you need to go. You haven’t been the same since the accident.” He stood up and stretched. “I have to go get Kylee, you wanna come?” I nodded and stood up. He turned off the T.V. and we went out to his car. We didn’t talk as he drove. He pulled into Amber’s driveway and we walked up to the door. Her mom opened the door and frowned at Ryan. She never really got over Ryan getting Amber pregnant. “Hi, I’m here to pick up Kylee,”
“Daddy!” We here from inside the house, Ryan smiled and stooped down and picked up Kylee who ran at him. “I missed you, Daddy,” she hugged him and he smiled squeezing her tight.
“I missed you, too, Baby Girl, are you ready to have some fun and see Grandma and Grandpa?” She nodded.
“You can come in and get her bags. Amber had a doctor’s appointment so she isn’t here.”
“I know, she called and told me. We’ll just be a minute,” I followed him inside and smiled at Ashley. She pat my shoulder and smiled at me. I stood there awkwardly while Ryan and Kylee got her bags. They came back out holding hands while Ryan carried her bags. “Kylee say good- bye to Grandma. Give her a big hug.” A few minutes later we were in the car while Kylee talked about everything she did with Amber. She eventually fell asleep and I smiled looking back at her from the front seat.
“So, besides the fact that she is your baby girl, why do you treat her like you do?” I asked, genuinely wanting to know. He looked at her in the mirror quickly before answering me.
“Amber was pregnant with twins. We didn’t tell anyone and when she went into labor there were complications. Both heart rates dropped and she had an emergency c-section. They pulled Kylee out first and rushed her to NICU and pulled out the other two seconds later. Her name was Emily Taylor and she was still born.” He took a deep breath before he continued. “They wouldn’t let us see Kylee for a few hours until she needed to be fed. I was able to calm Amber down but she was pretty damaged with good reason. Once Amber fell asleep, I was holding Kylee and I promised her she would be loved so much and that I would always be there to take care of her.”
“That’s sad and beautiful, Ryan.” He nodded and we pulled into the driveway. He pulled Kylee out of the car and then put her bag on his other shoulder. We had just walked into the house when Kylee mumbled something in her sleep. Ryan froze and I stared at him.
“Can you take her and lay her down, please? I have to call Amber real quick.” I nodded and took her.
“Ryan, what did she say?”
“Emily,” he walked into the kitchen I heard him dialing the phone. I carried Kylee upstairs before Ryan started yelling. I laid her down on her bed in Ryan’s room. I stared at her thinking about my twin brother. I only remember him because Mom and Dad told me about him when I woke up from my nightmares. No one else in the family knows about him. “You’ve got a long road ahead of you, little girl.” I sighed and kissed her cheek before taking my shoes off and climbing into bed with her and falling asleep.
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It's my day off and I may be updating twice a week because I may be kicked off my gymnastics team because of doctors appointments. It's really stupid.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
