Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined

Twenty One

“It’s Thursday, K. I’ll go to school next week. You’ve been in a lot of pain lately.”
“I’ll be fine. It’s bad enough that I’m not in school. Just go to school. I’ll be fine. The pain is just my body getting ready for the birth.”
“Exactly, that’s exactly why I don’t want you here alone.”
“I’m fine. Go to school. You have to turn in my homework.”
“Fine. You call me immediately if anything happens. If your pain gets worse, anything. Okay?”
I nodded.
“Stay off your feet as much as possible,” he said as he left.
“I will. Now go or you’ll be late.” He kissed my lips before leaning down and kissing my stomach twice. Then he was gone.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed four bottles of water and a lot of pretzels. I set them down on the coffee table and laid on the couch flipping on the T.V. I munched on the pretzels and drank two bottles of water. It was 11:30 when my phone rang.
“Mikal, I’m fine.” I said when I answered. “I’ve been eating pretzels and I’ve drank two bottles of water. I’m about to go to the bathroom.” I put the phone on speaker and sat down on the toilet.
“Okay. I’m just making sure. I worry about you. You heard the doctor. Twins tend to come early.”
“I know. This is the first time I’ve been up all day. I promise.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“Love you, too.” I hung up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed two more bottles of water. I was walking to the couch when something wet went down my leg. I looked down and my pants were soaked. “Oh shit.” I grabbed my phone and called Mikal. It was ringing when I got a contraction and sat down on the floor holding my stomach. I put my phone on speaker and two seconds later he answered.
“Hey K.”
“Mikal my water broke.”
“I’m on my way. Where are you?”
“Just outside the kitchen. Hurry! It hurts.”
“Hang in there. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. You’re going to be okay. Just breathe through it, babe.”
I didn’t say anything. I just sat there taking deep breaths. Mikal kept saying encouraging words and assuring me he was almost home. Finally he ran inside and hugged me.
“Come on, K. Where’s the bag you packed.”
“Our room.” I breathed.
“I’ll be right back.” He ran upstairs and was back quickly. He led me to his car and threw my bag in the back. I looked at the backseat.
“Where are the car seats?” I asked.
“I was going to put them in over the weekend. I’m going to call your brother and ask him the set everything up.”
“Call my parents first. My mom called earlier and said I could come home.” He nodded and pulled out his phone. He hung up with my parents and pulled into the hospital. He grabbed the bag and helped me get inside.
“Mikal. Where’s my phone?”
“Right here.”
“I’ll call my brother. You call your aunt and sister. They can come up.” We were both on the phone when the nurse came to get me. “I gotta go, Ryan. I love you, too.” I looked over at Mikal as I got into the wheelchair. “Mikal, come on.”
He hung up and came with me.

6 Hours Later

“Kristine, your parents want to see you again.” Mikal whispered pushing the hair out of my face.
“I don’t know, Mikal. I’m tired.”
“I know, baby, I know. Do you want to wait?” I nodded and he left.

11 Hours Later

“Mikal, stay close to me please.”
“Always. You squeeze and scream all you want.” I nodded and grabbed his hand.
“Okay, Kristine. On three, push.” Dr. Chase said. I nodded.

“Congratulations. You have two beautiful baby girls,” Dr. Chase said.
“What? It’s supposed to be a girl and a boy,” I said.
Mikal took my hand. “I’m happy. I knew it was two girls.”
“Me too. Can I hold them?”
“Of course. They are your babies.” The doctor said. He handed me the girls and then left the room.
Mikal sat down next to us and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “What are we going to name them?”
“We can stick with Ella for the oldest. What about Amara? It was the other name we were considering.”
“I like it. Ella and Amara. Now middle names. How about Ella Rose?”
I nodded. “And Amara Natalie.” He smiled. “Ella and Amara Evans. I like it.” I looked at Mikal and he kissed my forehead.
“I’ll go tell the nurse their names so they can put it on their birth certificates.”
“Okay. Can you bring my parents and your aunt and sister in here to meet them before we all crash?”
“Sure thing. I’ll be right back. I love you. All of you,” he said and kissed all of our foreheads.
“Love you, too.” I said as he walked out. I looked down at my daughters and smiled. “Hi there baby girls. I’m your mommy. I love you both so much. Yes I do.” I cooed at them.
A nurse walked in and wrote their names on their wrist bands. I smiled as she left.
The door opened again and Mikal, my parents, Aunt Lauren, and Autumn walked in.
“Hi. Guys this is Ella.” I lifted the arm that held Ella a little. “And this is Amara.” I lifted my other arm.
“They are so adorable.” My mom cooed coming over to us. “Can I hold them?”
“Of course. You can hold Ella first and Aunt Lauren can hold Amara.” Mom took Ella and Aunt Lauren walked over and took Amara into her arms.
“Mikal, have you been able to hold them? Or has Kris held them the entire time?”
“I’ve held them,” he laughed. “They gave Ella to her almost immediately. When she had to push again they took her and cleaned her up and handed her to me after Amara was born. When they cleaned Amara up I handed Ella to K and they gave me Amara before taking them for the tests they have to do.”
“Good,” Mom said, “Here, Grandpa. Hold your granddaughter.” She handed Ella to him and Aunt Lauren gave Amara to Autumn. They passed them around and everyone held them. I lay there dozing always watching one of my daughters.
“Okay. I think we should let them all get some rest. The twins need to eat and Kristine is exhausted,” Mikal said. They all nodded and Autumn handed Ella to me and Mikal took Amara.
“Good night, Kris. They’re beautiful.” Mom said as she hugged me and then left Mikal and I alone. I fed the twins and then we laid them in the bassinets. Mikal climbed on the bed and held me against his chest. I fell asleep almost instantly.