Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


I walked onto campus and immediately went over to my friends. They were dressed in their cheerleading uniforms for the game tonight. We started talking and I brought up meeting Mikal.
“Kris, he’s been staring at you in class for weeks. How did he get to talk to you?”
“We ran into each other, literally, after my therapy session. I didn’t really talk to him long, I just wanted to get home and it’s quite obvious he wants something more than a friend. I’m not ready for a relationship but there is something different about him.”
“Maybe you’re ready for a relationship and you just don’t know it yet. Just give him a chance. You may never know, he’s cute and he’s obviously interested in you.”
“Yeah, but he’s not Chris. It’s only been a few months and I loved Chris for three years and was with him for two years.”
“Kristine, you know Chris would want you to move on. He wouldn’t want you to be alone for the rest of your life, especially if you really do like Mikal.”
“I’ll think about it,” the bell rang and we went our separate ways. Throughout class I kept looking at Mikal and then back at my folder where I had written Chris’s name all over the place. He smiled at me a few times when he caught me looking. Finally the bell rang and I gathered up my things and walked out of the room.
“Kristine, wait up,” I looked behind me and saw Mikal. “How are you?”
“I’m fine, how ‘bout you?”
“I’m good; do you want to get some smoothies or something after school?”
“Sure, I just have to ask my brother. I think he might have to work and he might want me to babysit his daughter. He usually doesn’t have her on school days.” He looked at me with a weird look on his face and I thought over what I had said. “Oh my God, Mikal, I’m not trying to get out of it. I know that sounded bad but I can promise you it’s true. See her mom is sick and didn’t want my niece to get sick too, so she asked my brother to take her.” He nodded, and I smiled glad that he believed me.
“Well, if you do need to babysit ask your brother if you can bring her along. I don’t mind, in fact I’d love to meet your niece.”
“Cool, I promise Kylee is usually really good with new people.” He nodded and smiled at me. “Should I pick you up at your house?”
“You don’t have to, I can drive.”
“Well, I’m going to pick you up, can I get your address?” The warning bell rang and I rattled off my address to him before grabbing the sharpie he was holding and jotting my cell phone number onto the back of his hand. I grabbed my books out of my locker and ran across the school.
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