Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


“Hey, Ryan, do you need me to babysit Kylee this afternoon?” I asked during lunch. He took a bite of his food and pulled out his phone.
“Hold on a minute, Kris. Mom and Dad made me drop Kylee off at a daycare facility and I’m worried about her.” He called and actually ended up talking to Kylee before hanging up and looking at me. “If you could watch her you would make me feel so much better.”
“No problem, I love that little girl. Do you mind if I take her to get smoothies with Mikal and I?” His eyes widened before he nodded.
“I don’t mind, just remember to keep your phone on you and be home in time for dinner.” I nodded and smiled before hugging him.
“Thank you,” I finished my meal before going and taking care of my tray and trash and going to find Mikal. I found him sitting with his friends and stood there awkwardly before deciding to just sit down. He was sitting with the football team and I don’t really talk to them anymore. I sat next to him and he immediately looked at me, stopping his conversation.
“Hi, so I talked to my brother and my niece will be joining us for smoothies.” I smiled at him.
“So you can go.” He smiled and I laughed nodding. “What time should I pick you guys up?”
“Well, we have to get Kylee from daycare and then we’ll go home, how about three- thirty?”
“Perfect,” he smiled again and I looked down blushing.
“Kris!” I looked up when my name was yelled. I laughed as Chris’s best friend picked me up and hugged me, spinning in a circle. I laughed and held onto his neck for dear life. “How have you been doing? I miss hanging out with you. Why don’t you ever return my calls?” He rattled off one after another.
“I’ve been doing okay, and I miss you too. I haven’t answered you calls because I need time to heal. It hasn’t been easy on me. You know what Chris and I went through together.”
“Yeah, do you miss him as much as I do?” I looked down and tears came to my eyes.
“More, I believe. It’s been hard but we should definitely get together sometime.”
“You got it. This weekend, I’m taking you to dinner and I’m taking no for an answer.”
“Okay, Aaron,” the bell rang and I hugged him one more time before walking with Mikal to our next class.
“Who’s Chris?” He asked suddenly and I sighed.
“Chris is my ex-boyfriend,”
“Oh, why did you guys break up?”
“Um, we were in a car accident about three months ago and he died. Aaron was his best friend and we agreed at Chris’s funeral to also be there for each other.”
“I didn’t know, that would explain why I had to change numbers.”
“They gave you Chris’s old number.” He nodded. “I’m sorry, I’m just surprised. They said they were going to frame it.”
“They are, but they told me to grab a jersey and it was in there. Within thirty seconds they had me take it off and gave me a different number.” I nodded grabbed my French book out of my locker. “Are you going to the football game on Friday?”
“Yeah, Aaron asked me. He wants me to sit with the team and Coach said I could.”
“Oh, don’t worry Aaron and I are just friends. I have a feeling that he is planning something anyway.” He nodded and we walked into class just as the bell was ringing.
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