Sequel: Infinite Love
Status: Being rewritten:)

Love Undefined


I walked out of school with Ryan and we drove to the daycare. We both walked in and Ryan and I gasped. Kylee was asleep on the floor and there were kids jumping over her. Ryan ran over to her. “Get away from her,” he yelled at the kids and one of the workers came over.
“Sir, brothers and sisters are not allowed to pick up the children. Nor or they allowed to leave the waiting area.”
Ryan picked up Kylee and stared at the woman. “First of all, I’m not her brother, I am her father. Second of all, I’m not going to just stand there while my daughter is being jumped over while she’s sleeping. I don’t know about you but I actually care about the welfare of my child.” He handed Kylee to me and pulled out his wallet. He handed the lady fifty dollars. “You don’t deserve that but my girlfriend and I can’t afford a lawsuit. I will never be bringing my daughter back here again. I will also be telling every single person whether they be a parent or not about the treatment my daughter received here.” He took Kylee back. She had woken up and she cried out when Ryan touched her back. He immediately set her down and asked her about it. He lifted her shirt and we found gauze that had blood showing on it. “Kylee, I’m going to take the bandage off and look at your boo-boo, okay honey?” She nodded and he gently started taking it off. He gasped and showed me her wound.
“Did you clean this?” I asked the lady and she shook her head.
“I didn’t see a need to.”
“Well, because you didn’t clean it, the wound is now infected. She needs a doctor.” Ryan put the bandage back on and picked her back up.
“Do you remember when I said my girlfriend and I can’t afford a lawsuit, well that means we can’t afford the hospital visit that is now necessary. Now my parents can afford a lawsuit and I will beg them to help me out.” We walked out and we buckled Kylee into her car seat before driving to the hospital.
“Hey, Ryan do you know Mikal’s cell number?”
“Okay, I’ll try Aaron.” I text Aaron quickly, and he gave me Mikal’s number. I stepped outside and called Mikal.
“Hey, Mikal, it’s Kristine, um Kylee ended up needing to go to the hospital, so can we go out tomorrow?”
“Yeah, of course, what happened?”
“She got hurt at the daycare and they didn’t clean it so it got infected.” I looked over at Ryan and nodded. “Mikal, I have to go, they are taking her back.”
“Okay, let me know how she is,”
“I will, I’m really sorry about this,”
“It’s okay, go be there for your niece,” we hung up and I ran after Ryan and Kylee. The doctor had Kylee lay down on her stomach while they looked at the wound. He gently had her sit up and looked at Ryan.
“It is infected so we’re going to clean it. I will be right back,” we nodded and he walked out. He returned a few minutes later. “Okay, well, could you lay down on your back,” he asked Ryan and nodded when he did. “Now, Kylee I want you to lay on your stomach on your Daddy.” Kylee climbed on Ryan and he kissed her forehead and moved her hair off her back. The doctor nodded at Ryan and he started whispering things to her. It sounded like he was telling her a story. She started crying when the doctor put the cleaning stuff on her back. Ryan shushed her and continued on with the story he was telling her.
“Daddy, make him stop, please, Daddy,”
“I’m sorry, Baby Girl, but if he doesn’t do this you’re going to get very sick.” She continued to cry and he just held her.
“Okay, I’m all done,” the doctor washed his hands after bandaging the wound back up. “You should take her to see her physician in just a few days. She should also stay home and rest. I don’t want her doing a lot, and try to keep her off her back as much as possible. Tylenol should help with the pain. I won’t write a prescription because over the counter stuff will work.” Ryan nodded and shook his hand. We walked out and Ryan drove us home. He kissed her forehead and I took her inside while he went to work. I called Mikal after I laid her down.
“Hey, do you want to come over and I can make us smoothies while Kylee sleeps?”
“Sure, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” we hung up and I went into the kitchen to make sure we have everything we needed for smoothies. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it.
“Hey, Mikal, come on in,” I held the door open and he walked in.
“Hey, how’s your niece?”
“She’s doing better; I think Ryan is going to end up staying home from school tomorrow though. Whenever she needs him, he stays home with her.”
“That’s sweet, does the school get mad at him for it?”
“Not really, they understand, he just can’t miss every day.” Together we made strawberry banana smoothies and we spent a lot of time talking about ourselves and getting to know each other. It was probably an hour before we reached Chris.
“So, how did Chris die?”
“Um, we were in a car accident. We were driving over a bridge in really bad weather and he drove off the bridge. Someone jumped in and saved me but Chris didn’t make it out of the car until it was too late.” I took a deep breath before looking at him. “What about you? Any sad stories?”
“Just one, my parents died in a plane crash and I live with my mom’s sister while my dad’s twin sister ignores me because she can’t stand the sight of me. My only sibling is in college and spends fifty percent of her time at work and the other fifty studying or in class.” I looked at him speechless.
“Aunt Krissi,”
“Excuse me,” he nodded and I went to get Kylee. “Hi, sweetie, do you want to come downstairs and meet Mikal?” She nodded and I carried her downstairs.
“Aunt Krissi, when is Daddy going to get home?”
“Not for a while, honey, he’s at work.” She nodded and we walked into the kitchen. “Kylee, this is Mikal, Mikal, this is my niece Kylee.”
“Hey, Kylee, I heard you weren’t feeling well, I hope you’re feeling better.”
“Thanks, one of the kids at daycare pushed me down and scratched my back.”
“Well, that wasn’t very nice of them. We saved you some of the smoothies. Do you want some?” She nodded and I handed her over to Mikal. They started talking while I fixed her smoothie and gave her some crackers to eat with it. She was almost done eating when Mikal announced that he had to go home and do his homework. Kylee almost started crying, which surprised both of us. He promised to come see her again soon before leaving. “Kristine, would you go out on a date with me?”
“Sure, what did you have in mind?”
“Dinner and a movie?”
“How does Saturday sound?” He smiled.
“It sounds like the perfect day to go on a date.” We laughed and he left.
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Hey, sorry I haven't updated much.I've had quite a few projects going on this past week.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing:)
