Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me

Into Your Arms

I bit my lip as I searched the cafeteria for some sign of - just someone I knew. I didn't know anyone. My friend from my old school tipped me off to her cousin. I was supposed to be looking for a girl named Pat... Pat...

A youngish looking boy approached me as the bell rang. Where was Pat? She was supposed to show me around. I was trying to come up with an alternate plan - another way to get around. The boy before me began jumping up and down, trying to get my attention.

"What?!" I yelled, still looking past him.

"Hey, girl! You look lost!"

"Really? I'm trying to find someone."

"Hey! Is your name Adrianne Poli?" he asked before I looked directly at him.


"Hey, I'm Pat!" he said before flipping his hair out of his face.


"You sound disappointed," he stated flatly.

"I just thought you were a girl."



"I'm sorry."

"You want to start over?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Hey, are you Adrianne?" he asked.

"Yeah! You must be Pat, my new biffle!"

"Hell yeah!"

"Don't tell Jamie I said that."

"Will do," he said, "I mean, will don't..."

"So, can you help me out here?" I asked, handing him my schedule.

"Yeah, I'll walk you to class," he smiled a cute boyish grin before putting his arm around me, leading the way.

Pat shoved me into a room before scurrying off, promising he would meet me after class. I seated myself somewhere in the back. It was more comfortable back there. Plus, no one would really bother me. I was right. I went unbothered. It was nice. And when class was over, Pat was right outside the door waiting for me.

"Hey, Pat," I smiled, getting used to his child-like face greeting me with such a toothy smile.

"Hey, Adrianne."

"That's another thing we have to set straight," I said.


"Just call me Adri, please!" I pleaded, looking up at the ceiling as we walked.

"I can do that."

I sat in the back of my next class beside three other people. One sat in the corner, more than likely a loner. The other was a thin, young girl. She looked like a little kid. Then, on my other side was a very attractive boy, thin as a rail with small hints of muscles hiding beneath his shirt. I could immediately tell that he did not belong here.

"Class, I would like to introduce you to Kennedy. Kennedy, I'll let you take it from there."

The boy then spoke, his voice coming out low at first before he gained confidence, "I'm Kenny, you might see me on the soccer field. I've been playing for about nine years-"

"Mr. Brock, get on with it. We don't want to hear about your future in the NFL."

"That's football!" Kennedy exclaimed, a hint of offence shown upon his face.

"You kick a soccer ball with your foot, don't you? Get on with it, Mr. Brock," the teacher said firmly.

"Yes, sir." he began again, "I'm a junior and I'm going to be your mentor for the rest of the year and I'll do my best to help you in any way possible." He spoke the words as if they were rehearsed.

"Hey, you," the real bitchy looking girl next to me said.


"I saw you walking with Pat down the hall. Are you like, with him?" She sure was nosy.


"She doesn't have to answer to you. You're not his girlfriend anymore, Laura."

"Whatever, Kennedy," I didn't like the way she said his name. It made it sound dirty.

"Thanks," I said, biting my lip.

"No problem. So you know Pat?" I didn't know he was popular.

"Yeah. Are you his girlfriend?" I joked, making him laugh a little as he briefly lowered his head before attaching his eyes to mine again.

"No, no, but he's my bud. So what's your name?"

"Mr. Brock, are we going to have a problem with you being present in this class?" Fuck you too, mister.

"No, sir. I'll become aquainted and create a relationship with my pupils on my own time," he said smartly, making me stifle a laugh.

"What's your name?" he mouthed.

"Adrianne," I mouthed back, a look of curiosity washing over his face.


I took out a piece of paper and wrote my name down on it before slipping it to him. He looked back and mouthed the word "beautiful." This caused me to blush. I shook my hair into my face so Kennedy wouldn't see though. He mentioned he played soccer too right? Sexy body. Yum.

Then before I knew it, that class had ended and it was time for me to go. I looked around but saw no sign of Pat. I immediately began panicking. Then a boy with bright blue eyes and a goofy hipster haircut with a headband zoomed towards me.

"Hello...?" I asked as he stopped before me, without speaking a word. He pointed to a sticky note stuck to his shoulder.

"Pat 1.0 has been temporarily deactivated. This is Pat 2.0. To activate, say 'Greetings earthling,'" It read, causing me to laugh.

"Greetings earthling," I giggled.

"Hello, I'm Pat 2.0, but you may refer to me as Garrett," he smiled, shaking hair out of his face.

"Are you going to help me find my next class?" I asked, still giggling.

"Yes, ma'am. Hand me that shed-yule," he said. He was adorable.

“So am I doomed to have classes all by my lonesome?”

“We have the next class together,” he smirked.

“If you don’t mind me asking, but where is Pat?”

“Oh, I see how it is.“

“No! I just want to know if he’s okay. I like you, Garrett!”

“I’m just playing with you!” he smiled, eyes sparkling, “He went home sick. Something about the boys’ bathroom and uperclassmen making fun of him. I couldn’t understand him, I thought he was going to cry.”

I felt my heart weigh itself down at the thought of poor Pat feeling so embarassed on the first day of freshman year.

I could already tell that I was going to like Garrett. He was sweet and I knew that I could tell him most anything and he would treat it in all seriousness. I liked that about him - knowing that I had trust in him.

This next class went by quickly with the fun we were having. The teacher was cool, so she didn't really care what we did as long as we finished our work. Garrett kept talking about his friends John and Jared and then he spoke of Kennedy.

"...and Kennedy is the best at soccer! He's pretty good at school, but sports are his thing. He can also play a mean guitar."

"Kennedy plays guitar?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, so does Jared - Say, do you know Kenny?"

"I met him. He's a mentor for my English class," I blushed slightly at the memory of meeting him.

"Oh no, not another one," Garrett said.

"What?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Don't give me that bull, you already have the hots for Kennedy."

"Well, what does it matter? He seems like a good guy-"

"Yeah, he's great, but he doesn't really do the dating thing."


"He's way too focused on soccer and our band."

"...You're in a band together?" I asked.

"Yeah - we're called The Maine - but it's going to be difficult to have practice with Ken and his soccer schedule."

"Can I watch you guys sometime?"

"Definately. We'll probably have it on Wednesday because Kennedy usually doesn't have practice on Wednesday..."

It was a perfect time because I knew that we would be finishing up unpacking. My mom wouldn't make me stick around the house. Infact, she would be shoving me out the door and insisting that I go all in the name of me making friends. I was never good at that sort of thing. Jamie was great at that. She was friends with everyone in the school, I swear to you.

Jamie was also a lot prettier than I was. She attracted more attention from boys than me. She also looked more approachable. I walked around with a grimace on my face half the time, but now I found myself smiling uncontrollably while I waltzed down the hallway with my new friend. And nothing could keep me from smiling.
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Adri's outfit here.

Second story on here. Leave me some comments - and subscribe:)

Check out my Garrett story here.