Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me


I woke up around noon the next afternoon. Remembering the night before made my stomach churn and heart begin to ache.

I don't know what Kennedy was thinking when he danced with me. It hurt me, but made my soul fly all in the same motion. It was odd. Kennedy was special to me. I liked him so much, but he was so confusing. He was giving me no leads to whether or not he liked me. He had to have known that I liked him. Maybe he didn't want anything to hurt our friendship. Maybe he just wanted to be friends. A thin line.

"Morning, bitch," John said, busting through my door.

"Go home," I sighed before covering my head with my comforter.

"No way, beautiful," he said as I felt him grab my feet from underneath the sheets.

"Why do you insist on dragging me out of bed?"

"It's saturday and you're laying around in bed. Get the fuck up!"

"No!" I yelled, "I've had enough excitement for a weekend."

"Friday doesn't count as the weekend!"

"Does so! Go away! You motherfucker!"

"I would fuck your mother. She let me in and she was wearing this little pink robe. You're mom is sexy."

" see my mother as a MILF?!"

"Adri, I would fuck your mom in a second. And that Spanish accent. Ooh!" he twitched, "Makes my pants tight just thinki-"

"Stop thinking about my mom! Stop talking about my mom!"

"Why don't you have a Spanish accent?" he said, "That's the real question."

"I was raised in America, dipshit," I grumbled before sitting up.

"Good, I got you up."

"By getting me riled up talking about my máma."

"Máma? You should say sexy stuff like that more often! You'd have Kennedy in the sack before you could say...tres!"

"That's about the only Spanish you know, isn't it?"

"No, I know more. I just didn't know how to say 'sex.'"

We just stared at each other for a minute before I said, "Shut the hell up."

I got out of bed and showered while John waited downstairs with my mom. I was completely for him waiting in my room - away from my mother - but mom doesn't like me having boys in my room period. I doubt she would let John sit on my bed while I showered...

I dressed in gray skinnny jeans and a top that was a lighter shade of gray. The design on the shirt was just a simple owl shaded in with my favorite colors. I slipped on my flip flops and a beanie before applying just a light amount of make up. I then proceeded to put my glasses on, making me look dorky all over again.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked, bouncing down the stairs.

"I figured we could go over to Pat's and have band practice before going to cheer Kenny on at his game."

"Sounds good," I said.

We went on over to Pat's, John driving of course. Everyone was already there, making me feel stupid for sleeping in so late.

"Sorry we're late. Couldn't get this niña out of bed," John said.

"Only my máma can call me niña, you gringo!"

"Woah, someone's sexy with their accent turned up," Jared said as everyone looked at me with wide mouths.

"Try not to drool, boys," I winked.

"Oh, you are good," John said, eyes narrowed.

"Hey guys, John wants to fuck my mom."

"I want to fuck your mom. She's hot!" Garrett said as the boys all nodded in agreement.

"Motherfucker." I grumbled.

"Yup," Jared said.

"Shut it, Gingy! And get to playing."

"Yes, ma'am!" the boys said in unison as we moved towards the basement.

"I like a girl that bosses me around. Just saying," John said.

"Kennedy likes a girl that bosses him around. He's only dated her about fifty times," Pat said, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, Pat," Kenny said, moving past me.

The boys started playing a new song - at least, one I had never heard before. I later found out that it was called Count 'Em One, Two, Three. It sounded so sexual - the lyrics that is. Then they played it again for kicks. The next song they played was Daisy. Kennedy continued to stare at me when singing his parts. Then the last song they played was another new song called Shake It.

"Alright, I think that's pretty much all we have time for," Kennedy said, moving closer to his microphone.

"Yeah, let's get you to your game," I said.

"You going to stay this time. Be my good luck charm?"

"From what I heard, you didn't need me," I said, rolling my eyes.

"The team might not have needed you, but I did. I didn't make one goal," he said, leaning down to my level so he could look me in the eyes.

We rode over in the van, parked, and rushed to the stands as we waited for the game to actually start. Kennedy might have been right. I could have been his good luck charm with the way he was scoring goals now.

Just before the game ended, I saw a familiar girl appear in the corner of my peripheral vision. I turned my head to see Haley Trails, standing there looking bored as ever. When the game ended, Kennedy ran towards us, before seeing Haley. He exited through the gate quickly.

"Hey, you were awesome, Kennedy!" I called after him, but he was already talking to her.

"Hey, Haley. I didn't expect to see you here."

"I was here the whole time. You were amazing," she lied.

"Thanks, so what are you doing later?" Oh, great.

"I don't know. I'm busy this weekend, but next Friday you can take me out to dinner after the football game," I had the strong urge to just punch her.

"Sounds good. Mind if I come watch you cheer at the game?"

"That's the whole point of going out to eat afterwards, Kennedy," she said like it was obvious. He was just trying to be sweet.

"Alright, Haley," he now sounded kind of put off by her.

"So, I'll see you at school...Kennedy?" she said, now turning on sex appeal.

"Yeah. I'll be there," he smiled back at her.

"I need you there on Friday.. It's our first game!"

"Alright, I'll see you, Haley."

The guys just looked at the two of them with disgusted expressions. When I looked at Garrett, he grabbed my hand reassuringly.

"She's a whore, Kennedy," John said.

"You're a whore...?"

"I just flirt. I don't sleep with most of the girls..."

"So. She doesn't sleep with a lot of guys."

"She looks like a walking STD," I grumbled.

"You don't even know her," Kennedy said.

"Let's just shut up about it," Jared said.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"Let's go to my house. My parents are having date night," John smiled deviously.

We drove back to John's house. I saw that my mom's car was gone from the driveway, realizing that she was grocery shopping. We went inside the O'Callaghan residence and settled into the living room where we moved the coffee table out of the way to make room for us to sit in a circle. John left to the kitchen for a minute before coming back with a couple beers.

"Pass them around," he smiled, handing them to me.

"John, I don't drink," I said.

"Don't worry, Adri. I don't either!" Pat said.

"Oh, I get it. You've never actually tried it before. My goal is to get you totally drunk before the end of the year," John said, smiling before taking a sip of his beer.

"John!" I punched him in the shoulder.

"What else haven't you done?" Jared asked.

"None of your business!"

"Come on, Adri!" Kennedy smiled.

"You're way too innocent," Garrett said.

"What's the farthest you've ever gone?" John asked, placing a hand on my ankle, each time moving it up he would ask, "Are you nervous?"

"Stop! I'm nervous!" I said.

"You're such a virgin." I made him stop at my knee.

"Have you ever been felt up?" Kennedy asked.

"Why are you guys doing this to me?" I fell to my side, holding my arms over my face.

"Have you ever made-out?" John asked, astounded.

"Yes. That I've done."

"Well, she isn't completely hopeless." John said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Clicky here to see an adorable outfit:)

This chapter is completely dirty and filler-y! I'm sorry this took nearly two weeks! I suck!

But on the plus side, my book, Infinity Blues by Ryan Adams, came in at Barnes & Noble and I got a book about Paul McCartney! I also bought a copy of AP magazine. I'm so proud of our boys in The Maine! They won like...four awrds for the readers poll:)

PS - I'm completely obsessed with Criminal Minds! Does anyone else love that show like me? My favorite character is Dr. Spencer Reid<3 He's a dollbaby.