Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me

Tighten Up

It was getting closer and closer to mid-term exams and I was getting more and more stressed out. Kennedy came over to my house every Sunday to bring me lunch and help me study. There wasn't much studying when Kennedy was around though. We would really just watch a movie or something.

But the past couple of Sundays he had completely blown me off for someone else. Haley. She was ruining everything for me. Kennedy had all eyes on her when she walked into a room and he couldn't listen to a single thing I said if her name was even mentioned. I didn't like her and Kennedy knew it. They weren't an official couple or anything, but it still upset me...him spending that much time with her.

"How are you doing with your studying? You actually have to take the graduation test," I asked John.

"Ehh. Studying is fine, I guess. We've taken a few practice tests. I'm confident to say the least."

"Yeah, I'm feeling about the same with John, here," Jared said, seating himself.

"Hey guys!" Kennedy said, approaching the table with a goofy smile on his face.

"What's with you?" Pat asked.


"Cut the bull. What's got you so happy?" Garrett asked.

"Well, nothing really. I'm just back with Haley," he smiled.

"Ugh," John groaned.

"You're really stupid aren't you?" Garrett grumbled.

"Come on, guys! This time, it's different!"

"I have the feeling he's said that before," I said.

"You have no idea," Jared whispered back.

"What's different about it? This time, she's only going to cheat on you with girls?" Pat asked.

"No, she's changed!"

"Whatever," they all said as I stood to leave.

From what it seemed and from the way the boys acted, they disliked Haley for many reasons. Garrett wasn't exaggerating when he told me that they had been on and off. Apparently they had been on and off so many times that the light of their relationship was just a flicker.

I went home and studied some more, but I just couldn't understand Kennedy's need for that girl. I called Garrett and invited him over for dinner, knowing that he would be able to fill me in.

"Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Poli. It was wonderful!" Garrett called down the stairs, "Your mom is going to kill me!"

"Did you think the rice was too spicy?"

"Yes. I thought my tongue was frying."

"You're a wimp," I said, rolling my eyes.

"And you're a Mexican."

"Garrett?" I asked as he took a seat at my desk.

"Yeah, Adri?"

"What does Kennedy see in Haley?"

"Well she's many things. She has beauty just like you, but that's about the only thing you two have in common. She's conniving, cunning...popular, selfish...jealous...controlling."

"That's why Kennedy likes her?" I asked, interrupting.

"No. That's what he sees in her though. He likes her because their relationship is easy."

"What's easy about that? From what you've told me, their relationship is just an on and off thing."

"Exactly. Kennedy has been in this routine with her for so long, it's just become second nature to him. It's easy because he doesn't have to try to get her attention...he doesn't have to try to get her affection," Garrett explained.

"Do you think Kennedy likes me, Garrett?"

"I think that he has strong feelings for you that he is unsure of. He has never felt them before, so he doesn't know how to react to them. He might even be scared of-"

"-Ruining our friendship."


"Garrett?" I asked.


"How am I supposed to get Kennedy's attention?"

"I really don't know, Adri. I really don't."
* * * * *
Mid-term exams started the next day. I was confident - and with good reason. I completed them easily and way before time was up.

"How do you guys think you did?" I asked Pat and Garrett.

"So easy. I felt like it was insulting my intelligence," Garrett said.

"Same here. I didn't even study that much."

"I'm just glad that break starts at the end of this week."

"I'm going to miss seeing you everyday!" Pat said.

"We'll still get to see her everyday, right, Adri?"

"Actually...I'll be gone the first week of break to see Jamie..."

"Who's Jamie?" Garrett asked.

"My best friend-"

"And my cousin," Pat said, "Hey! Why don't you just have Jamie come here and visit with us?"

"Well, I guess I could see if her mom would let her come..."

"Of course she will! Her mom is my aunt, and my aunt loves me!"

"Okay, okay. I'll see," I said, getting my hopes high for a visit from my dearest friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! A bit of insight into why Kennedy and Haley date so frequently!

Wooo! So, I'm going to get tickets to see All Time Low next week...I'm so excited. I always feel better when I have the tickets in my hands.

Anyways, I got my hair chopped off today. I've got a lot of volume on top and now it's kind of thin on bottom, but I love it. I was needing something new since I haven't had my hair cut since MayXD

I got a new Ryan Adams CD. I got Cardinology and I'm listening to it as I post this chapter^_^