Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me

To Love And Back

The next day, I was excited to go to school. I think most of my excitement spurted from the fact that Kennedy's lovely face would be greeting me during my second period class. I dressed in jean shorts and a gray and black striped v-neck. I tied on some Vans and put on some jewelry and I was ready to go to school.

I walked into the cafeteria, expecting Pat to run up to me, but I didn't see his brown mop of hair anywhere. Then I saw Garrett, sitting at a table with John and Kennedy.

"Hey, Gar, John, Kenny," I said, looking around at them, noticing a boy with bright ginger hair.

"Morning, Adri," they said in unison.

"I didn't know you knew Adri...?" Garrett asked John.

"Me either," Kennedy said.

"I don't know her. Just saying," the ginger said, hinting that he wished to be introduced.

"She's my neighbor," John explained.

"She isn't mine, therefore I don't know her. Just saying," the ginger said, trying to get their attention.

"Where's Pat?" I asked.

"The big baby stayed home," Garrett said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"She knows Pat too?! Come on!" the unknown boy said, but still no one paid him an ounce of attention.

"Hi, my name is Adrianne, but you can just call me Adri. What's your name?" I said, smiling at him.

"Oh! Adri, we forgot to introduce you to Jared! Our bad!" Kennedy said, stifling a laugh.

"Fuck you, Kennedy," Jared said, flipping off his friend, yet cracking a smile.

"It's nice to meet you," I said as I took a seat beside Garrett.

"So now that you know everyone, are you coming to our band practice tomorrow?" Garrett asked.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to ask my mom! She'll let me go though. I'm sure she will!"

"Awesome! Our first audience!" Kennedy cheered.

"That isn't family!" John said.

"Fuck yeah!" Jared yelled as they all threw their fists into the air, attracting a lot of attention from passers-by.

"I love you guys already!" I laughed.

The bell then rang, dismissing us for class. I wasn't even sure I remembered where my first class was at, so Garrett walked me and promised he would be outside to take me to my next period. But when that class did end, I did not find Garrett waiting for me. I found Kennedy.

"Hey there," he smiled.

"Hello," I felt a warm blush begin to flood my cheeks, defying my mental damming.

"You need some help carrying your books?" Kennedy asked, not waiting for an answer as he took them from me.

"Thanks." I brought a hand to my face, trying to hide my smile.

"It's no problem. So you want to go to one of my soccer games?" he asked.

"Yeah!" I said, a little too enthusiastically.

"There's one on saturday...the guys will be there."

"Alright, well you can count me in. I'll be there cheering you on."

He laughed nervously before speaking, "So... Do you think you'll be needing any of my awesome mentoring skills in math this year?"

"Yeah," I said, looking away smiling. Math was my best subject.

"Well, don't ask me, because I suck!"


"I have no idea why they have me mentoring a freshman math class," he laughed.

"Don't worry about me. Math is actually my best subject. I was just kidding."

"Well, just incase," he said as we sat down in our seats, "here is my number."

"Thanks." This time, my entire face blushed as if it had been set on fire.

"You're awfully adorable when you say 'thank you,'" he said as the teacher began class, hushing us into silence.

Kennedy offered to walk me to my next class, but Garrett was already waiting outside the door and Kennedy's class was on the opposite side of the school anyways.

"Did you like my little gift?" Garrett chuckled.

"This was all your doing?!" I squealed.

"You did like it!"

"But how did you do it?" I asked.

"I texted him right before the end of class and told him to go get you because I had to 'stay behind.'" He put quotations over the latter.

"I fucking love you," I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," he smiled, bowing his head.

"So he has a game on saturday?"

"What? Did he invite you?" Garrett asked.


"Well that was fast."

"And he might have given me his phone number," I said, looking up at the ceiling.

"What?! Get it!"

"I fucking hate you," I laughed.

"Two seconds ago you fucking loved me...?"

"Yeah, well that was before you were making sexual innuendos."

"That wasn't a sexual innuendo."


"But me saying Kennedy wants you in his bed is one." I punched him in the arm for that one.

We entered the classroom right before the late bell rang and took our seats towards the back, ready to "learn." All I could think about was Kennedy. It seemed as if he already liked me, but I had been fooled once before by a boy like him. Only this boy was no Kennedy Brock. All that boy did was hurt me - something that Kennedy seemed incapable of doing because the only emotion I felt around Kennedy was glee.
* * * * *
I walked through the door to see the number of boxes having lessened since that morning.

"Doing a little unpacking?" I asked my mom.

"You have no idea."

"Hey máma, you remember John...from last night?" I asked.

"Oh, Lord," she laughed, "You like him?"

"What?! No! He's in a band!"

"Oh, sí. I think Mrs. O'Callaghan mentioned something about them... The Missouri? The Michigan? I don't know!"

"The Maine, máma!" I said.

"Oh, sí. Well, what about them?" she asked.

"They're having band practice tomorrow."

"Where is it going to be at?"


"Adria, you know that I have to know where you're going."

"Máma, por favor! It's just one night I'm asking for!"

"I just don't know, Adrianne. There is so much unpacking left to do! Especially in your room." she said, lowering her chin.

"Máma, please! I'll stay in all weekend and unpack if that will make you happy!"

"Fine. But if it's anywhere other than John's house, I want to know - and you're responsible for finding a ride."

"Yes, máma," I sighed before going upstairs to my bedroom.

I went upstairs and grabbed my phone. I thought briefly about calling Jamie, but decided against it. I scrolled through my contacts, Pat's name catching my attention.

"Hey, you bitch. What the hell are you doing?"

"Eating a PB&J, drinking lemonade, and watching Full House with my mom." What teenage boy does that?


"I didn't want to go back to school today," he said, his mouth obviously full of peanut butter.

"Why?" I reiterated.

"Because I just didn't want to go to school! Okay?"

"Sorry!" I said.

"So how was today?"

"Fine. Don't forget about band practice tomorrow. Where is it going to be, by the way?"

"It's at my house, as always."

"Alright, my mom wanted to know. I can go-"


"-If I get a ride," I finished.

"My mom could bring you back to our house when she picks me up!"

"Thanks, Pat! That sounds great!"

"So how about you and Kennedy?"

"How did you know?!"

"Garrett told me that you were hot for him!" I'll kill him.

"I'm not 'hot' for anyone!"

"Uhugh. Sure. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Adri!" Pat said before hanging up.

"I'll get you, Pat whatever-your-middle-name-is Kirch!" I yelled to the dial tone before slamming my phone onto my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Adri's outfit here.

Sorry, this is a little delayed:S