Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me

Half As Much As You

I woke up the next morning and dressed in a Glamour Kills shirt and a gray, ruffle skirt.. Let's just say that I was feeling great that morning.

The excitement was building up inside of me as I realized that I would be seeing the boys play. I had heard them talk about the band, but had yet to see them play.

"Morning, fellas," I smiled as I seated myself at the table.

"Morning, Adri," they said.

"Are we still on for band practice?"

"Hell yeah, we are," John said just before biting into an apple.

"We're excited about having an audience," Jared explained.

"So I've heard." I looked around the group to notice Pat's shining face, "Hey, so you're back!"

"Yeah...," he smiled back weakly and I could tell he didn't want to be there.

"I'll see you all later?" I asked as the bell rang.

"Hey!" Kennedy called from behind, Pat and Garrett smiling devilishly my way.

"Hey, Kennedy," I giggled.

"So, you never texted me."

"I didn't need help with the homework." I resisted the urge to wink.

"Well, you can text me for...other know?" he said nervously, but smoothly at the same time.

"Uhugh. I'll keep that in mind," I said as we reached the door of the classroom.

"I'll see you later?"



I didn't even flinch at the sound of my full first name. When Kennedy spoke it, he made it so beautiful and graceful. Of course I was neither of those things, but no one said that my name had to lack those qualities.

When class ended, Kennedy was standing outside the door just as he had yesterday. I didn't understand how he had gotten to me so fast, but I was glad he did.

"Garrett get caught up in his last class?"

"I don't know," he smiled down at me.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I'm walking you to class. Garrett doesn't even have this next class with you."

"I can't believe you're fighting over who walks me to class."

"We're all a bit childish," he smirked.

We sat in the back and passed notes back and forth, asking stupid questions like "What's your favorite color?" and "What's your favorite sport?" Of course I answered "soccer" when in reality I had hardly any knowledge on any sport. When he replied, he simply put, "Me too." I looked up at him and he was smiling directly at me, his brown eyes sparkling.
* * * * *
I waited outside of the car-rider lane, looking for Pat. I spotted him next to Garrett.

"Hey, guys."

"Good! You're here!" Pat squealed as he wrapped his skinny arms around me.

"So what was that with Kenny this morning?" Garrett smirked.

"He just wanted to know why I didn't text him."

"Damn, he loves you," Garrett said, stomping his foot slightly.

"He doesn't love me Garrett."

"He's smitten with you, that's for damn sure," Pat said.

"You think?"

"I know," they both said.

"Has he said anything to you?"

"Even if he had, we couldn't tell you," Pat said, shaking his head.

"Why the fuck not?!"

"That would ruin the surprise of liking someone," Garrett said.

"Fine. Then you can't tell him I like him."

"I wasn't planning on it!" he defended as Pat was nodding from behind him.

"My mom's here!" Pat yelled like a little boy, attracting attention.

"I ride's here... Bye, Garrett," he grumbled before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the car.

"Hi, Pat! This must be your little friend! Adri is it?"

I liked Mrs. Kirch. She was kind little woman. Pat resembled her greatly. I could see why Pat acted and spoke the way he did about his mother. She babied him! It was so beautiful though that it made me wish I had such a strong relationship with my own mother. Pat could confide in her and I wished that I had someone to confide in like that.

"Alright, Adri, dear, we have some fruit in the kitchen if your hungry - or I could make you a sandwhich!"

"No thank you, Mrs. Kirch. I'm fine for right now," I smiled at her as Pat started giving me a tour of the house.

"So when are the guys coming?" I asked.

"They should be here soon."

"Party animal is here!" John yelled from the doorway.

"Hello, John, dear! Would you like some fruit?" I heard Mrs. Kirch say.

"No thanks, ma'am," he smiled.

"Hey, John Ohh," I smirked.

"That's my name," he said.

"Did you pick Garrett up?" Pat asked.

"Of course I did. The little weasel is just carrying his instrument in."

"Yeah, thanks for the help, John," Garrett said, entering through the doorway.

"I'm just as weak as you are."

"Ginger in the house!" Jared said as he busted through the door, guitar case in hand.

"Fruit, dear?" Mrs. Kirch asked.

"No thank you," he smiled before wrapping an arm around her in a one-sided hug.

"I'll just set this here. Be sure to offer fruit to Kennedy when he comes in," she smiled and patted Pat's head before leaving the room.

"Hi, people," Kennedy smiled as he entered, carrying a guitar case similiar to Jared's.

"Alright! Are we ready to play?!" Pat asked.

"Did you offer Kennedy some fruit?!" I heard Mrs. Kirch ask from the other room.

"Hey, you want some fruit?" Pat offered as Kennedy shook his head, "Yes, mom! He's alright!"

We followed Pat down the stairs as he began to turn on the lights. It wasn't very well lit, so he plugged in some string lights which adorned the manilla-colored walls behind the small set up of amps and drums. The boys immediately began plugging in their equpiment, making small talk in the process.

"So what song are you going to be playing for me?"

"The only two songs we know," Garrett snorted.

"The first one is called The Town's Been Talkin'," John said into the microphone.

This song was a nice little...hate song. They weren't too bad. John seemed a little nervous. The rest of them did well considering I was their first official audience. The second song they played for me was called Daisy. It was a cute little love song. Kennedy sang background which was refreshing. He repeated the lyrics a moment after John, looking directly at me. "All for you, my Daisy."
♠ ♠ ♠
Adri's outfit here.

It's been about a week since I updated, so here you go. This is the fourth chapter.