Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me

Heels Over Head

"I'm telling you, Jamie, Kennedy looked directly at me!" I said into the phone that night.

"I'm telling you, Adri, that he already loves you! You're in!"

"No way! There is no way that someone as perfect as Kenny Brock falls for someone like me within the course of a week!"

"Well, hon, it's happening! And it's happening pretty fucking fast!"

"I've got to go to bed, James. I'm so tired."

"One question."

"Ask away."

"Were they any good?"

"You have no idea," I smiled.

"Night, Adrian."

"Night, James."
* * * * *
I walked into the cafeteria, seeing the boys sitting around their usual table.

"Do we suck?" Pat asked.

"For the hundredth time, no!"

"Which song was your favorite?" Jared asked as if they had thirty songs to choose from.

"Daisy." I smiled before looking directly at Kennedy.

"I thought you would like it," Kennedy said before looking away shyly.

I looked away from Kennedy to see the stares that we were both recieving. I felt myself blush and tried to hide it to no avail. Garrett grabbed my knee. I hadn't even realized that my leg had been shaking.

"What the hell was that about?!" Garrett asked as we walked down the hallway, bursting into laughter after finishing his sentence.


"You and Kenny with those sex eyes locked on each other!"

"They weren't sex eyes!"

"You know what? You're right. You're eyes were completely innocent. His were lusty."

"Lusty? Is that even a word?"

"Yeah. It means filled with lust."

"Whatever, just shut up," I said, rolling my eyes and smiling.

I made it through my first period class after Garrett dropped me off at the door. Then Kennedy was waiting for me. He was back to normal at this point, being smooth and suave.

"So were you planning on coming to my soccer game on Saturday?"

"Oh shit!" I said, bringing my hands up to my mouth and dropping my books in the process.

"What?!" he asked as we leaned over to pick up my belongings.

"I told my mom I'd stay in so I could go see you guys have band practice."

"You, bitch!" he said, playfully.

"Uuugh! I feel bad now! I wanted to go," I pouted my lips in disappointment.

"It's can just catch it next time...?" I could tell that he was disappointed too.

"Yeah, I'll go next time." But I wasn't going down without a fight first.

I made it throughout my day, trying to find a way to convince my mom to let me go to Kennedy's game. I would give anything to see that piece of ass chasing a ball around the field.
* * * * *
"Buenas tardes, máma, cariña."

"What do you want?" she asked immediately.

"Nothing! I can't express my love for my beautiful madre?!"

"No. Now come on. Tell me what it is you want."

"Máma, please let me go to my friend's soccer game on saturday."


"Máma!" I yelled.

"Adrianne Estella Poli! We made a deal!"

"But máma, I'm trying to make new friends! You're limiting me socially!"

"We made a deal. You said you were going to stay in all weekend and finish unpacking!"

"Máma! That's so-"

"It is fair so don't give me that. Not another word out of you if you want to go out next weekend." she said sternly, her spanish accent coming out, "What isn't fair is you treating me like this. I haven't gone anywhere since we moved here!" Yeah, but you're an old woman.

I moped all the way up the stairs before slamming my face into my pillow and screaming. When I finished, I texted Kennedy and told him that I wouldn't be there in the stands.

"What? Why?" he texted back.

"Because I have to finish unpacking."

He texted back a couple minutes later, "But if you finish unpacking, you can go?"

"I don't know. I guess."

"Well get to unpacking, woman!"

"You sure are bossy."

"You like it."

I shut my phone and looked around at the boxes crowding the floors. I thought about unpacking them...and I thought about putting my stuff away...and I thought about what the contents of each box were... But suddenly, it didn't matter anymore. I was asleep before I could do any of that stuff.
♠ ♠ ♠
No outfit for this chapter because I'm way busy.

I won't be able to update this story until January 3. I'm going to be visiting my mom over the holidays. So please don't hate on me because I never get to see her!

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