Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me


"Finish unpacking?" Garrett asked.

"...I'll kill that sorry son of a bitch," I laughed.

"Did you?!"


"How far along are you? Almost done?"

"Ehh. You could say that."

"You haven't started, have you?" Garrett asked, stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"Okay, so I got distracted and I was tired...leave me alone!"

"Kennedy really wants you there."

"Look, I'll just go see his soccer game next weekend..."

"You are so disappointed, aren't you?"

"Yeah...a little."

"Well, don't worry about it. We'll think of something."

"Thanks, Garrett."

I walked into my first period class, bidding good bye to Garrett. I suspected that he was plotting, but I didn't think too much on it. Kennedy walked me to our class together.

"Where do you live?" Kenny asked.

"Right next door to John," I laughed.

"Really? Wow, that's cool."

Now I knew they were planning something. They were all in on it together too. I wasn't sure if I liked this or not.
* * * * *
I woke up the next morning, showered and dressed in shorts and tank top. I knew I wasn't going anywhere, but at least I was comfortable. I heard my mom call me from downstairs so I rushed to see the five boys I had become best friends with over the course of the week.


"We're here to help you unpack," Garrett said.

"Who's idea was this?"

"Kenny's," Pat said. I didn't even need an answer from the prideful smirk on his face.

"Let's hurry up! The game starts at five!"

We ran upstairs to my room, the guys gaping at the messy shape it was in. I assigned Garrett to hooking up my DVD player and TV after getting them out of the boxes. John was setting out all of my jewelry and such that was supposed to sit on my dresser. Pat disembled empty boxes since I didn't trust him with anything heavy or breakable. Jared was putting away everything I didn't need scattered about my room in the top shelves of my closet.

"What can I do?" Kennedy asked.

"Ugh...let's see what's in this box!" I said, opening it up.

"Clothes? Aren't you supposed to put all of your clothes into a suitcase?"

"I didn't have enough room! Just put these into my dresser!"

I was hooking up my computer while the guys did their jobs. The one thing I just couldn't figure out was where the little Comcast internet box was supposed to be plugged in at...

"Hey, hey, ugh...Adri. You want to come here a second?" Kennedy said, smiling widely.

"Hold on a minute, Kenny. Let me hook this up," I said, not wanting to be disturbed.

"I think you want to come here before I'm tempted to take one out of the box and keep it for myself."

"Oh God," I mumbled as I approached the box, looking in.

There were about five pairs of my panties in the bottom of the box. I looked back and forth between Kennedy and the box, his smile twinkling with humor lodged into his eyes. I shut the box quickly and put it to the side, blushing madly.

"If that's not hot, I don't know what is," Kennedy laughed quietly.

"Shut up, Kennedy Brock."

"Come on! You owe me for coming over here and helping you!"

"What do you want?! A pair of them?!"

"It would be a nice gift," he said, shrugging his shoulders and pouting his lips.

"Ugh, no."

Finally all of the boxes were out of my room (excluding the one with my underwear in it which I hid in my shower in my bathroom). I was dressed and excited to go see Kennedy play. We ran outside my house to see a white van sitting in the driveway. We all hopped in, John driving, Jared in the passenger seat, Kennnedy and I in the middle row while Pat and Garrett were in the very back.

"Hey, guys, I've got to run and get dressed for the game," Kennedy said before leaving.

"So are you glad we came over and helped?" Garrett asked once we were seated in the stands.

"Yes, thank you all so much!"

"You should definately thank Kennedy because this was all him," John said.

"Yeah, he was determined to get you to this game," Pat said.

"He really likes you...I can tell. He really likes you," Garrett said.

"It does seem like it..."

Then they blew the whistle and the game started. It was all a little much, all these hot and fit boys running around the field. They were all sweaty too, and their stuff just sort of... Ugh! I don't want to think about it! Okay, I lied, I really want to think about it.

Kennedy was looking pretty damn great. He scored another goal and threw his fists into the air out of pure victory before turning his head to smile at me and the boys. During halftime, Kennedy ran toward us to talk really quick.

"Doing great, Kenny!" John said.

"Yeah. You're really...good," I said.

"Thanks," he said before turning to see that they were about to start, "Got to go!"

He stood around and finished off a small bottle of water before running out to the field to get into position.

All I kept thinking to myself was how hard I was falling for this guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Adri's outfit here.

Well, here it is! Just as I promised! It took forever to get it posted because my computer keeps screwing up. My dad says we might switch to AT&T internet because Comcast bites the dust.

So, my friend got me Ryan Adam's CD, Gold for Christmas. It is the best thing ever. It's probably the best present I got. Although my $155 is a close second;) So what did you guys get for Christmas? Let me know!

Oh, and comment on the story;)

Happy happy birthday to maccaveen!!! You're awesome!:)