Status: Active!

Don't Get Sentimental On Me

I Want To Tell You

It had been a few weeks, a few more soccer games, a few more band practices since that day. Everything seemed fine in my world. The boys were pleased with the way they were writing music and also with the way practices were going. Kennedy improved his soccer skills by attending his rigorous practice schedule.

One thing that was different was awkward stress. And yes, there is such a thing as awkward stress. It's that feeling you get when some big school dance is around. You know what I'm talking about. Homecoming, the big fall dance. The one that helps you practice for Prom.

I wanted Kennedy to ask me. I'd only hinted at it once or twice, but the actual urge behind it was indescribable. He didn't seem too oblivious to it actually, but whenever I brought it up, he got very nervous and jittery. So he pretty much tried to avoid the subject at all times.

"So when is that bitch going to ask you?" Garrett asked as he plopped down across from me at lunch time.
"Fuck, I don't know."
"Has he said anything about it?"
"If I bring it up or hint at it, he brushes it off and gets nervous and jittery."
"I think he wants to ask you, but he isn't sure how."
"It's simple. He just has to say, 'Hey Adri, you want to go to Homecoming with me?'"
"It isn't that simple! It's really hard for us, guys, to ask you, girls, to dances."
"So what? Should I ask him?"
"I don't know..."
"Why not? It's the 21st century. Girls ask guys to dances."
"Just give him a couple of days. You don't want to make him feel emasculated."
"You used a big word!"
"I have a vocabulary test next."

I knew Garrett was right. All I had to do was wait a couple of days. If he didn't ask me by friday, I guess it was up to me as to whether or not I had a date.
* * * * *
The air outside was crisp and clean with a little chill in the air. It was the first day I had to wear jeans since the beginning of May. I dressed in light colored skinnies with a white shirt with The Beatles' logo on it, matched with silver flats and a dressy little clutch bag.

Kennedy had yet to ask me to Homecoming. I knew it was up to me.

"So has he asked yet?"
"No." I said, walking down the hallway with Garrett.
"What a pussy. I thought that he would have the courage up now."
"Who have you asked?"
"Pfft! No one!"
"Garrett!" I laughed before smacking him in the back of the head.

I made it through first period okay to see Kenny waiting for me as always.

"Hey, Kenny." I smiled.
"Hey, Adri. What's new?"
"Nothing...nothing really." This was my chance.
"So did you have any problems with the homewo-"
"Hey, Kennedy?"
"Nothing." I sighed.
"Okay, well anyways..."

We carried on a conversation for about ten minutes and passed notes back and forth during class when I was supposed to be focused on my radicals worksheet. I just couldn't focus when I knew that I was going to be asking Kennedy to Homecoming - if I didn't chicken out of course. I finally put away my worksheet which only had two problems completed and stood to leave when the bell rang.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Kennedy smiled.
"Hey..." I said quietly at first, "Kenny!"
"Yeah?" he asked, turning around and facing me.
"I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go to...Homecoming...with me? As friends?" Or as so much more?
"Oh...Adri...I'm sorry, but I kind of already asked someone..." He had a sad look in his eyes.
"Who?" I asked, trying not to sound so disappointed.
"Haley Trails..." She was on the cheerleading squad.
"Oh, okay." I said, defeated.
"I'm really sorry though..."
"Don't be." I said, clenching my jaw before running out into the hallway to find Garrett.
"Hey, Adri! Hey...what's wrong?!"
"Nothing. Let's just go to class."

To make me feel better, Garrett came over to my house for dinner. We went upstairs afterwards and sat in my room just talking. It was nice to just talk to someone. He was probably my best friend. It had been a few days since I had called Jamie. I would have a lot to report to her when I talked to her.

"So, wait, he asked...someone else?!"
"Yeah." I sighed.
"Haley Trails. She's on the cheerleading squad."
"I know who that bitch is." he said angrily.
"What's wrong?"
"He's been on and off with her since he was a sophomore. She cheats on him and he breaks up with her. Then they get back together again and it just starts all over again."
"So you think they're dating again?" I asked.
"I don't know, Adri. Just watch it. Haley is a jealous and controlling being." Garrett said before leaving my room to let himself out through the front door.

It was only eight and it was friday night. I was staying in and moping about Kennedy. I looked over next door to see that it was pretty peaceful at the O'Callaghan residence. I thought about going over to bug John, but decided against it. I wasn't in the mood. So after Garrett left, I decided to go downstairs to see what my mom was up to.

"Hola, máma."
"Hola, Adria." she said, setting down her book, "Did you need something?"
"I...I don't know, máma."
"Come here and sit down, niña" she said sweetly, patting the spot next to her.
"Oh mamá, there is this boy that I like so much and I don't know what I should do! And there is this girl that he dates every now and then. I think he likes me, but I just don't understand!" I put my face into my hands as I rested my elbows on my knees.
"Niña, you are just going to have to wait it out. Just like a...storm...a tormenta. He will eventually realize what he is missing out on."
"It seems so much more complicated than that."
"And it always does, niña. I promise that things will be better." she said, her Spanish roots showing themselves.
"Máma, if he likes me, why didn't he ask me to the dance?"
"Adria, sometimes boys are just estúpido!"

I told her good night and that I loved her before returning to my room. I laid down in my bed and nothing had felt better than that moment all day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Adri's outfit here.

Excuse my poor Spanglish. The only reason why every other word is in Spanish is because I'm only taking Spanish 1, so I don't know much. I know how to conjugate verbs though! *Sigh*

I appologize for the short, crappy chapters, so I have decided that I will be posting two chapters at once for every short chapter I post. I am at a writer's block, but I do have up to Chapter 19 written out, but I might go back and rewrite it.

Write now, I'm working on another Garrett story aside from my other one. It kind of has my attention at the moment, but as soon as it's finished, this is next on my list to tend to. After that I might start a Drama Pfaff story... Does anybody watch Fantasy Factory?

Anyways, sorry for using the cover Beatles instead of the real Beatles. They're still trying to get The Beatles on Amazon.

Don't give up on me:( Thank you all for the comments I have recieved!:)