So Let's Cause A Scene

Skelanimals Don't Go Well With Empty Rooms.

"Daryl," I spat at the women. However, she just looked at me a smiled, and then took a drink of her coffee. Oh how I wanted to reach up and take that coffee away from her. It would have been fair, in away. Because of her – even if it was indirectly – I lost a year of my life. Giving up her coffee wouldn’t have been that big of a deal.

Nevertheless, I kept my hands to myself and my head placed on the cold table. As I sat there, looking at Daryl, neither of us saying anything, that even in my drunken state, I was still able to think logically. If I hadn’t been able to, there was a good chance that Daryl would have been dead.

She sat down at the table, across from me, taking another drink of her coffee. I must have been eying the coffee so evidently, for Daryl offered the rest of her drink. I took it and drank it down in one gulp. It must have looked as if I had never drunk anything in my life before.

I was about to thank her when suddenly a thought popped into my head. "How did you know my name?"

A smile appeared on her face, a straw that she was chewing sticking out of her mouth. "Spencer," she said with a shrug. I nodded kind of having already guessed that it had to do with Spencer. Everything always leads back toSpencer.

"Well, I guess I should say I'm sorry," Daryl began, starting to fiddle around with the coffee cup. "I was kind of a jerkface back then. I am really sorry."

I just nodded, my face placed back down on the table. We sat there, no words being spoken. I could hear the sounds of Daryl chewing on her straw like crazy and the coffee cup being spun around and around.

"So are you and Spencer together?" I lifted up my head off the table and shook my head. I told her about everything that had happed with Lily, Spencer, and Ryan. I wasn’t sure why told her, but it finally felt nice to tell someone everything that was going through my head.

A smiled immediately appeared on her face as I finished. She didn’t say anything, just seemed to be thinking intently about something.

"If you want him back, I think I have the perfect plan." I lifted my head off the table one last time and leaned in towards her, wondering what this plan of her was.

With each word she said, my smile grew a millimeter wider. The words sounded like music to my ears, even though Daryl had the weirdest and most annoying voice in the world.

As soon as she was done, I broke into evil laughter that I couldn’t stop. It took me almost three minutes to compose myself. But once I did, I looked up at Daryl who was eying me, a weird look in her eyes.

If only I had known at that time that I wasn’t the only one making stupid plans that would ruin more than one life.


Daryl and I had become rather good friends. Even though every time I talked to her or saw her, this little voice in my head reminded me of the pain she put me through two years ago, I had grown closer to her than I was with Lily at the time being.

I must admit that I miss Lily. She sure could be a complete bitch and sometimes a total pain in the ass, but she was still my sister and I still loved her for it. I mean, if she had to put up with me since the day I was born, I have to give her credit. I was probably part of the reason she was the jerk and slut and she was.

Wow, I really am the jerk.

It was a Wednesday night. Wednesday was the day that I went over and visited Ryan and Brendon. To me, it felt like Ryan was in jail or something of the sort. We never did anything other than on Wednesday nights. He only did things three nights a week, only two of which he left the house, the rest he was locked up in his room, writing.

Wednesday was my night, Friday was Brendon's, and Sunday was whoever was the latest whore that either him or one of his band mates had gotten in hopes that it would make him happy.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that it wasn’t working. If anything, I think it was making him worse. But Brendon wouldn’t listen to me. I almost think that the sound of Ryan's moans helped him fall asleep at night.

I entered Brendon's house, went to the freezer, got out the just bought carton of vanilla ice cream, grabbed two spoons, and walked up to Ryan's room.

It was strange for Brendon not to have been in the kitchen eating ice cream of his own. Brendon's love for ice cream almost equaled that of Ryan and mine. Only he had horrible tastes in flavours. I mean, seriously, who likes chocolate these days?

As I walked up the stairs, I opened up the ice cream carton and began to eat. I couldn’t help myself. When I reached Ryan's room, kicked the door open, my spoon inside of my mouth and the ice cream carton close to my chest.

The first thing I noticed when I walked inside was the new paint colour. Ryan – or more likely Jon trying to play a trick on him – had painted his walls pink. Bright pink.

Not only that, but his couch and bed were now gone, all replaced by stuffed animals and been bag chairs.

Ryan was on the other side of the room, watching a movie on his big screen TV. But it wasn’t just any movie. Oh, no, no. He happened to be watching on of the best movies known to man.

Back to the Future.

Without another thought about him room, I ran over to where he was sitting and plopped down onto on beanbag chair. I handed the carton of ice cream over to Ryan, who handed the bag of popcorn over to me.

We watched the first two movies. By the time Ryan was about to put on the third, I was falling asleep. I got up and grabbed a skelanimal that I had left from the last time I had slept over. And by sleeping over, I mean that we slept. There we no sex involved.

I plopped back down onto the beanbag and snuggled up into a ball, the skelanimal pressed firmly to my chest. Suddenly I realized how extremely close my body was in comparison to Ryan's.

As I feel asleep that night, Michael J. Fox's face filling my mind, I knew that if my skelanimal could hear, it would hear how fast and loud my heart was beating beneath my chest every time I thought about how close Ryan was to me.And how I wished he was even closer.
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Sorry it took so long to get out. I hope you enjoyed, though.