Noble Steed


Her thighs squeezed his torso until it felt like his ribs would crack. She was light as a feather, and her arms were outstretched like bird wings. He laughed beneath her weight, and the sun winked through the tall wheat. “Onward my noble steed!” she shouted, and he picked up his pace dutifully.

He raced along the dirt road with its loose rocks and tractor tracks, each breath a sharp pain to his lungs. His secret weighed heavily inside his pocket, pulling his jeans below his waist. Eventually they reached a grassy hill, the green fibers turning a dull brown in the Fall weather.
“This noble steed needs a rest,” he croaked, and her lithe frame slipped from his back.

She wandered the hill, gathering leaves and tossing them to the sky. The wind blew the fiery red tendrils of her hair into her face, and he grinned despite the pain in his chest. His hand slipped quickly into his pocket, fingers wrapping around the syringe. A cold sweat broke across his forehead; his breath became a labor. If he didn’t get his fix, he’d go bonkers. Her noble steed would turn into a dungeon dragon.

The pain was quick and sharp, numbed by the cold air blowing from over the hills. He deposited the needle beneath a pile of leaves, and danced towards her. A laugh scraped its way through her throat as she climbed atop his back once more, and he galloped down the hill and through the leaves, his heart beating a thousand beats per minute.

Eventually they reached the fork in the road that lead her from him. She lived on the right side of the tracks, and he lived on the bad. Her life was luxury with Bentleys and mansions, hundred dollar allowances. His life was drug ridden, filled with abuse and alcohol, deadly gunfire on a Wednesday night. She kissed him softly on his red cheek, thanked him for the ride home.

He couldn’t help but laugh, gathered her hand in his for a shake. They stared at each other for a long moment, and both knew. They couldn’t be public about their relationship. It was a forbidden romance, and it put Romeo and Juliet to shame. But no matter what he would remain forever her noble steed.