When You Call My Name

Maybe This Time

“I’m sorry, she went where?” Jesse stared at Bethany, who looked up from the music sheet she was studying.

“She went to McKinley High.” The blonde repeated impatiently.

“She joined New Directions?” Jesse asked, though he had no need to.

Yes.” Bethany shot him a frustrated glare. “Look, screw her Jesse!”

One of the guys, Jason, looked up, but before he could make an extremely inappropriate about Jesse and Alexandria, Bethany continued her rant. Good thing too, because Jesse was not in the mood for dirt jokes. Especially about Alexandria Fields.

“Seriously, we don’t need her. So just forget it, all right?”

“Who’s going to take the female lead in our songs? Who’s going to do most of the duets with me? That’s what Alex did.” Jesse snapped.

“I will.” Bethany dropped her paper on the seat next to her and crossed her arms as she stood up to face Jesse. “Let it go Jesse. She was no fun anyway. She annoyed everyone and complained about everything. She wouldn’t do pranks. She kept getting mad at you about Rachel. And she stressed about everything. She’s annoying. And preachy. And I don’t really think she’s that great, all right?”

Jesse sighed. “All right. You’re right, actually. She is annoying.” Talented, but annoying.

Really annoying.

He looked back at Bethany. “Guess you’d better start learning As Long As Your Mine.” It had been the planned duet for Sectionals this year, and Alex had always done a great job with it.

But Bethany would be great too. Everyone in Vocal Adrenaline had a strong voice.

“And you know what?” Jesse said, brightening as rehearsal finally began now that Jesse was done being angry about Alex leaving. “She won’t last there. Here she’s one of the most popular girls in school, even if she is bitchy. There? She’ll be bottom of the heap. Completely unpopular.” He smiled. “I give her a week. Tops.”


A week was generous, though Alexandria couldn’t have known what Jesse had said the day before in rehearsal.

The first day wasn’t awful. It wasn’t bad at all. In fact, it was almost bright. She was excited about her audition the next day, and all of her classes were easier.

No, it was her second day back that was bad. The day before she’d been an unknown new girl no one cared about. But once she signed up for Glee club she was a target for bullies that hated Glee.

And was slushied after second period, walking out of her English classroom. As in some threw a slushie at her. What the hell?

She’d taken the purple-stained white blouse off, and although the black tank top underneath was somewhat sticky, at least it wasn’t stained. Her hair was messed up and damp from rinsing it out in the sink in the bathroom.

She’d hoped Glee club would be better.

But standing here now? She was ready to leave.

They were in the choir room, and the rest of the Glee club was staring at her.

“She’s from Vocal Adrenaline.” Rachel had said. And now they were discussing the fact that they couldn’t trust anyone from Vocal Adrenaline anymore.

“I bet Jesse sent her. I wonder who they’re targeting this time.” Rachel said, and looked at Finn. “You’re the male lead. Don’t trust her.”

“Hey, feel free to seduce me anyway. I mean, you can’t break my heart like Jesse did Rachel, but seriously, don’t let that stop you.” A muscled boy with a mohawk said. The only two kids Alexandria knew here were Rachel and Finn, so she had no idea who they boy was. But he winked at her, clearly thinking he was cool.

Alex was sort of disgusted.

They continued to argue about Alex for several minutes before Mr. Schuester finally interrupted them.

“Enough. Alexandria wants to audition. She transferred to the school. She told me she was angry at Vocal Adrenaline for what they did to Rachel. She said she wasn’t even at the egging.”

“That’s true.” Rachel said reluctantly.

“All right? She wants to be in New Directions. So can we please just let her sing and join?”

So they finally let Adelaine sing her audition song, My heart Will Go On. But she could tell they wouldn’t be happy with her being there for a really long time. They certainly didn’t trust her.

For which she had Jesse St. James to thank.

So, when she received a text from him about half an hour after rehearsal ended, she was not happy to see his name. Or the words in his message.

We need to talk.

Screw you. She replied, angry enough to actually cuss, something she usually avoided doing just because it bothered her. Which was weird for a teenager. But still. She didn’t like it. Usually.

Jesse St. James just had that effect on her.