You're Not Making this Easy

They were nineteen, going on twenty. He was exactly nineteen days older than her. His birthday was February 9th and hers was February 28th.

He was in a band that just got signed. Avenged Sevenfold just got home from their first tour, in a small, dinky little van. It was a blast. He was crazy as shit, and everyone loved him for it. It wasn't hard to just fall in love with him. He was caring and childish in the best kind of way.

She was, in one word, weird. She wanted to slow dance to the weirdest songs and fall in love with anyone that was willing to give her the time. She was a dreamer, not much of a school person, which is why she dropped out of college. She didn't party, but she always want to have a good time. It wasn't hard with her bubbly personality and cute dimples.

When they meet, Jimmy knows automatically that he wants Violet in his life forever and a day, but Violet isn't so sure. Jimmy's made it his unsaid mission to make her fall in love with him.

And, things happen to work out that way when she needs a fake boyfriend.

Disclaimer; I don't own Avenged Sevenfold. I own Violet and my plotline, though, darlings. Song title goes to Matchbox Romance & their song Promise.