You're Not Making this Easy


Violet tapped her finger nails against the table at the small coffee shop. The look on her face was sad, with a hint of angst, maybe even anxiety. Her dyed black hair was pulled back with a hair band, and she sighed, heavily, waiting for Jimmy.

The year 2000 was supposed to be amazing for her. Now, it's December, and nothing exciting has happened for her. Nothing. It's not as if she was expecting to be, but she always secretly wished for adventure.

Jimmy walked through the door and spotted her almost immediately. He always knew where she was. It was probably his infatuation with her, honestly. He sat in the seat across from her and stared. A look of confusion and concern crossed his face.

"Is something wrong, purple?" he asked, using the nickname he'd given her.

She shrugged. "No, just Brian. He was being mean about me never having a boyfriend again." Her voice was monotone, with was something very unlike her. Jimmy frowned.

"Want me to kill him?" She shook her head. "Well, is there something I can do for you to make it better?"

She didn't answer at first. Her deep, brown eyes met his for a few seconds, before focusing on the rainy day outside of the window. "Maybe. But, I don't know..." her voice trailed off in a distracted way.

"I'll do it, whatever it is." He seemed so confident in his statement to her. She looked back over at him.

"Would you be my pretend boyfriend?" she asked, in a quiet, flat tone. He blinked at her, before slowly nodding.

"Of course."

"We would have to be all cuddly and PDA-ish. You know that, right?"

He nodded once more. "I can live with that." He said it in a nonchalant, cool kind of way, but inside, he was spazzing. He couldn't wait to go run around and scream, "Yes, mother fucker, YES!"

She smiled at him. "Thank you, so so much, Jimmy. This means the world to me! Now, he can stop being mean."

"Oh, of course. I could still kill him, if you want..." he grinned at her, and she grinned back.

"That's okay, I think you're doing enough for me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Will get better.