You're Not Making this Easy


Love. It was the last thing Violet was looking for at the moment. She was just trying to show her best friend, Brian, that she could get a boyfriend. He didn't believe her when she said she could, and, honestly, neither did she. But, she knew that Jimmy would sacrifice a few weeks of getting laid for her.

He had always seemed more than happy to help her out with the simplest things, whether it be helping her go grocery shopping or helping her reorganize her bedroom, he seemed to be the only willing one to help her. She never minded, nor did she see that it was more than just a simple act of friendship that he did all of this.

She was so oblivious, it was ridiculous sometimes.

They walked into Brian's parents' house later that afternoon together. His arm was wrapped securely around her waist, and she had a smile on her face. Though, it was nothing compared to Jimmy's grin.

They walked into the basement, where Matt, Matt Wendt, Zack and Brian were getting ready for band practice. Four sets of eyes were suddenly glued to the two of them. She blushed, hating all of the attention, he grinned at them like the Chesire Cat.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Brian asked, setting down his guitar and walking over to them.

Brian towered over her, but Jimmy was at least five inches taller than him at the time.

"Jimmy and I are dating," Violet said, in a happy tone. She grinned up at Brian.

Brian had a confused look plastered on his face, but didn't question anything. "That's good. I'm glad for you, man." Brian hit Jimmy's arm, before retreating back to his guitar.

Jimmy kissed her forehead, before leaving her and going over to his drums. She sat on the deep-freeze freezer that Brian's parents' owned. Normally, she and Val were talking, but the now black hair girl wasn't there today. Violet wanted to asked Matt where she was, but they had already started practicing, and she didn't want to bother them.

After they played Darkness Surrounding, Zacky said, "Hey, do you guys want to try to play our new song?"

Brian scoffed. "Which new one? We wrote about four last week."

Jimmy glared at Brian. "Don't you mean, 'Jimmy and Shadz wrote about five last week'? Get it right, Gates."

This started a large argument between the two.

"Okay, shut the hell up. Let's just play All Things Will End, okay?" Matt (Wendt) shouted about the two arguing boys.

Both of them stared at Matt, shrugged and agreed.

This was one of the new songs that Violet or Val hadn't heard yet. She liked it, especially the line: "Dark will turn to light; In time, I'll be alright." She didn't know why, but she loved it.

A few times during practice, she noticed Jimmy would look up at her a smile. It made her smile back to him.
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