You're Not Making this Easy


Violet's mom and step-dad, Frank, busted through the door of her house. "Violet Marie! We're here!" her mother yelled, in a sing-song voice.

Violet rushed down the stairs, her curly hair bouncing with ever step. She was immediately engulfed in a hug from her mother. "Hi, mommy!" Violet exclaimed.

She only saw her mother three times a year: Thanksgiving, Christmas and her birthday. She missed her mother more than she'd ever admit. She gave Frank a quick hug. She was never really close to him.

Her mother and step-father sat on the couch. They made small talk and complemented her Christmas tree. She grinned.

"I put it up with Zacky," she said. "He helped a lot. He did the whole top half, since I'm too short."

Her mother grinned at her. "Oh, Zacky? Who's that? New boyfriend, maybe?"

Violet gagged. "Ew, mom. No."

"Well, do you have a boyfriend?" her mother asked.

Oh shit. "Um. Yeah, actually."

"Do we get to meet him?" Frank asked, smiling at her.

Violet looked stunned. "Sure. Let me, um, just go call him."


"Hey, Matt. Do you know where Jimmy is?" Violet asked, into the phone that was hanging up on the wall of her kitchen.

"Yeah," Matt replied, "he's in my basement. Shouldn't you know where your boy toy is?"

She groaned, and demanded that he put Jimmy on the phone. A minute later, Jimmy was heard in the background, screaming about being naked in the safety of his best friend's bathroom. Violet didn't even want to know.

"Hey, babe. What's up?" he asked.

"Uh, you know how I said my parents were coming to town?"

She waited for a response. "Uh, yeah."

"Well, they kind of want to meet you?" She bit her lip, waiting for him to say, "Fuck no."

Instead, he said, "Sure. When?"

She let out a sigh. "I don't know. Let me go ask."

She set the phone down on her kitchen table, and walked out to the living room. Her mother and Frank were talking quietly about who knows what.

"Uh. Jimmy wanted to know when you guys want to meet him?" her voice squeaked at the end of her sentence.

"How about tonight, when we go out to dinner!" her mother exclaimed. Violet nodded, and walked back out to the kitchen.

She suddenly started regretting asking Jimmy to do this for her. It was stupid, immature and flat out idiotic.

She picked up the phone again. "Jimmy? They said tonight."
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