Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

|| Part One

It was late Sunday night as I turned up the small stone path leading to my small home. The orange sun was setting over the horizon, dusting the sky with pink and gold. Stuffing my hands into my black pants, I inhaled the smells of summer. I walked up the old wooden steps that led to a slightly decaying door. Its red paint was peeling away showing the white that used to lay beneath.

Sighing, I rummaged through my black A.F.I bag in search of my keys. The wind blew softly through my auburn curls as I searched in vain. Giving up I dropped my bag onto the ground and trudged to the side of the house. Once there, I gazed up at the red and brown bricks that protruded at odd angles all along the wall. Finally, I found what I was looking for; two bricks that stuck out slightly more than the rest. I placed my hands on that one brick and began to pull.

After a few attempts, and a few curses, the brick finally came loose. Quickly I grabbed my key, shoved the brick back into place and hurried back towards the front porch. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I slid the key into place and turned it while picking up my bags and kicking the door.

It didn't move.

"Stupid door," I muttered. After a few more tries, and one last kick, the door flew open with me attached to it. "Damn it," I cursed.

Instead of trying to get back up, I decided that I would just lay there. I stared at the off white ceiling thinking about my day at work. Suddenly I was pounced on by a small white ball of fluff..

"Hey Hol," I said. I began to play with my dog's fluffy white ears when my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey mom," I said. "What's up?"

"Hey Jame. I'm really sorry but I just got called on another business trip. Short notice and all, but I have to leave tomorrow morning at 8."

"Its not a big deal. Where are you going this time?"

"Well my first meeting is in San Antonio, the second is in Austin. I'm having a car pick me up tomorrow at 3 so that I have enough time to get to the airport and everything. You know how traffic is."

Yes, because traffic is very heavy on a Monday at three in the morning.

I chuckled slightly. Leave it to my mom to stress that.

"Ok, are you coming home anytime soon, I was just about to make dinner and I needed to know wh-."

"Oh Jame I'm sorry. I need to stay late tonight. I won't be home until at least eleven."


"Oh alright. How long will you be gone?"

"Two weeks," she stated.

"What! We had plans!" I practically screamed into the phone. I began to play with a few strands of hair as she continued to explain.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Okay?"

"Fine. Love you," I sighed.

"Love you too." I heard a click on the other end, indicating that she had hung up. I shut my phone and sighed.

"Well at least I still have you Hol."

With that, I picked myself off the floor and decided to go get something to eat. As I walked past the dining room I took off my green apron placing it on the small coffee table and continued into the kitchen. Holly trotted along behind me as I walked and finally took her place on the step that led into the family room.

What should I make for dinner?

"How does coffee sound?" I asked her. Yes I talk to my dog. She happens to be a wonderful listener. Besides who else will I talk to? Myself? I do that already but I would prefer not to be a nut case in my own home. Not that talking to my dog is any better but in my mind it is. After all, she is just my four legged, furry child whose English is only slightly impaired.

Holly wagged her tail, laid on her stomach, and looked at me expectedly.

"Coffee it is."

As I filled up the coffee pot with water, I began to think about the next two weeks. I would start my sophomore year Wednesday and was rather hurt that my mom wouldn't be there. Sighing I pressed the on button and began to raid the fridge for any fruit. I was looking forward to school but dreading it at the same time. I really did love school, only because I loved learning and knowledge.

No, I am not a quote on quote 'nerd; I just value knowledge and common sense. Why shouldn't I? Although, there are three main reasons for my dread of school,
1. Lack of sleep

2. Retarded people.

3. Frank Iero.

Have you ever met one person who seemed like the very personification of evil?
Well look it up in the dictionary and you will see Frank Iero's name beside it. Him and his mindless friends. They are so rude, incompetent and personally, I find them to be a waste of space. Although, whenever they aren't around Frank, they are somewhat civil towards me. I still treat them with a cold indifference. Here's where it gets even better though.
Not only do I hate the man with a passion but him and his friends are all my neighbors.

Fun huh?

It's about as fun as being eaten alive.

However, the only one of them that live directly next to me is Frank. He's my next door neighbor. The others, Gerard and Mikey, live up the street from him, well us. Now I know that Frank isn't that evil of a person and so I guess that I do exaggerate his character, but honestly! He acts as if I were dirt underneath his feet. That is when he talks to me. However, when we are in school I don't see him to much except for at lunch, in the halls, and very rarely at school functions.

Frank Iero has been a thorn in my side since I moved into this hellhole. I was eight years old when my mother decided to move out here to New Jersey. Why? I don't know really. Nevertheless, my best guess is that she wanted to get away from the memories of my dad.


"Well this is it," My mom said.

I looked out my window at the two-story house in front of me. It was red and brown brick with off white shutters and two bay windows. The white wood porch was slightly decaying and had thick green ivy growing all around it. A small swing hung from the roof of the porch and was slightly overshadowed by two thick maples that grew in the front yard.

"I love it," I told her. I was being honest to. It had a nice homey feeling about it.

She smiled and stepped out of the car. I ran ahead of her up to the wooden front door. Later that day a small framed woman with a kind face came over and invited us, well my mom, over for coffee. I was invited over for some chocolate milk and pie. After a few introductions, my mom agreed and we began our trek over to her house. Upon entering, I was met with the smell of fresh apple pie and freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. Mrs. Iero showed us a small and cozy living room area where a small boy sat looking very glum. Because of the his small frame and the size of the couch, he looked as if he were being swallowed by it. I stifled a giggle at my thought.

"Frank, these are out two new neighbors, Jamie and Ray Lynne Walters," Mrs. Iero announced.

"Nice to meet you," Frank mumbled without looking up. He sat starring at his hands with which he was twiddling his thumbs.

"Frank why don't you take Jamie to the park? You two could get to know each other a little better," Mrs. Iero suggested.

Frank looked up at his mother, then at me, then again at his mother. His eyes silently pleading with her. However she merely coughed slightly before motioning to me with her hand. I scowled.
Did they really think that I was that blind? I felt my mom nudge me before giving me a knowing look. I sighed, rolled my eyes and glanced back at Frank to see him staring at me. I tilted my head, giving him a quizzical look. He shook his head coming out of his own thoughts and stalked towards me. He then grabbed my arm andguided dragged me out of the house. Once we were outside, I shoved him off me.

"What is your problem? "Frank just glared at me and sat down on the steps with his arms folded. "Fine, if you're going to act dumb I'll leave," I said.

"Good. Go then," He snarled.

I glared at him before saying in a fake cheery voice,

"Thank you oh so much for your hospitality." I gave a slight curtsy before turning my back to him. I heard him mumble something but disregarded it. I walked back into the Iero's house and feigned sick. We left shortly after with some pie and Mrs. Iero's comments of,
"Get well soon."

And so began the ongoing feud between the ass and me.
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Hope you enjoyed!
The next part will be out soon!