Status: Most recent update, o9-22-o9. I'll be updating sometime next week.

What is This Feeling?

|| Part Thirteen

"I cant believe it."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"I really don't understand it Siena. How could they think that Frank would try and rape me? I mean the guy cant stand the sight of me so I highly doubt that he would ever try and touch me in that way." I turned on the burner for our electric stove and began to search for a small pot.

The day after I had run out of the school was unbearable. People kept glancing towards me, eyes filled with sympathy. It made me sick. The last thing that I wanted was their sympathy. As I had walked towards the cafeteria that day for lunch, people seemed hesitant to talk with me. Finally, I saw Lea, who had come running through the hall tackling me in one of the largest bear hugs I've ever had. Afterwards people began to come up, talking to me hesitantly.

I'd like to think that I was quote on quote 'friends' with everyone, but I had no idea that so many people actually had known my name.

If you really wanted to you could probably sort our school into the normal stereotypical groups. Although instead of being restrained to those groups, people befriended others in dissimilar groups. That's not to say that they were all accepting and amiable. The 'jocks' still picked on the 'freaks, nerds, outcasts, punks and goths' as did the 'cheerleaders' yet people got along. Personally I didn't think of myself as being in a group or a click, I was just kind to everyone. That is unless they were rude to me first, then I was a first class bitch. Take Frank for example, I had been nice to him at the beginning but now I treat him as if he didn't exist. Well at least I try to. He makes me so mad! Its amazing how someone can infuriate you with just a look.

I switched the phone to the crook of my neck as I began to fill a silver pot with water. Picking up the heavy pot I walked towards the small electric stove.

"Have you told anyone what really happened?" She asked.

"No. I haven't. Its none of their business," I huffed, blowing my hair out of my face. "But I've said time and time again, Frank did not rape me! People can be so stupid sometimes! Do they honestly think that if Frank did try and rape me that I would let it go? I would have his ass thrown in jail so quick..." My voice was cut off by the doorbell. I put down the package of spaghetti that I had been holding and began to walk towards the door.

"Although I was sorely tempted to take up Greg and Josh on their offers to beat the shit out of him." Greg and Josh were the people Frank considered my 'fuck buddies' just because they were seniors. They were also two of the tallest people that I knew; the thought of them even threatening Frank was highly entertaining. She laughed lightly,

"I'm sure that you would enjoy that," She said. I could hear her smiling. By this time I had reached the front door. Quickly I shot my head up to see Mrs. Iero standing there.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I am still expecting Julian to appear at any moment which was silly considering that he isn't even in the state of New Jersey. According to Agent Larko, he had been taken to a hospital in New York. Why, I have no idea. At the time I didn't really think to ask. I could only assume that he had been transferred so to receive better treatment.

Mrs. Iero's wavy brown hair was pulled back into a neat pony tail; small bits flying around her face. She wore her yellow nurses outfit under an olive green cardigan, they clashed horribly but it made Mrs. Iero, well Mrs. Iero.
"Siena bean, can you hold on one sec? There's someone at the door." I asked, beginning to unlock the door.
"Yeah. How bout I call you back around nine?" She said.

"That's fine," I smiled. "I'll talk to you later then," I said imitating a man.

"Bye," she laughed.

I pressed the off button and, after setting it on the wooden side table, opened the front door. I beckoned Mrs. Iero inside but she refused politely with a small smile.

"Oh, no Jame, I've actually come to ask a favor of you."

I stepped outside into the late August sun. A slight breeze blew through the trees carrying the scents of the last days of summer. The wood felt warm on my feet as I stepped out onto the front porch. The cool air from inside spilling out over my back and into the warm air; fighting a losing battle. I moved my curls out of my face as I smiled.

"Sure Mrs. Iero. What do you need?"

"Well, I know it's a lot to ask and I don't want to keep you from going out on a Friday night..."

" Its no problem, really. I don't have any plans."

"Oh alright, well Frank came home this morning and is still a little out of it," she motioned with her hands. "because of his medication. I was just called into the hospital, Melody is out sick today, and I need to fill in for her. I was wondering if you could watch Frank for me? He's been acting odd and I didn't want to leave him by himself. Besides he cant walk so..."

Oh no.

"I understand Mrs. Iero," I reassured her. "When do you need to leave?"
"Now," She said.

"Oh umm..." I really didn't feel like spending what little free time I had with Frank. Although, she did say that he couldn't walk.

Eh, what the hell...

"I'll be right over I just need to turn off a few things and grab some stuff," I said. She smiled in relief before pulling me into a quick hug and hurrying over to her car.

I ran back into the house, being sure to turn off the stove and grabbed my book bag and purse. Quickly I put out some fresh food and water for Holly then hurried into the living room. I quickly gave myself a once over in the mirror; my black t-shirt clung tightly to my form and my grey sweat pants hung loosely off my hips. I reached over and grabbed my red sweater from the chair beside me. The Iero's house was rather chilly inside. After I clamored towards the door where I pulled on my spotted vans and ran out the door.

As I hurried across the yard I couldn't help but curse myself for getting into this mess. I hated being in the same state as Frank and now I had to baby-sit him!
I hoped that he was too drugged to move.

Quietly I walked into the Ieros living room, placing my things on the floor and pulling out my math book and a blank notebook. I began to work. About halfway through my assignment I heard some rustling. I blew it off, thinking that it was just Frank moving around, and continued my work. Suddenly I heard a large bang from downstairs.

I froze.

Had Julian come back for me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
Sorry this took so long to get out.
I've been having some problems with my family and I haven't been able to update as much.
Anywhore, comments make me happy and I love to hear what you all think!
I'm updating twice today!